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A medic 6v6 question.

Created 5th August 2011 @ 15:14

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Swedish Santa


Excuse my rather noobish question but I just have to ask. Is there any time when the medic switches class to another one (to pyro, for example)? I have never seen this so I guess no but there could be rare excetions…

If you know, please reply.


Yup, thats fine and its not that rare.

Swedish Santa


Quoted from randa

Yup, thats fine and its not that rare.

Dude, I am not stupid.



Ronny from buttonbashers did switch to pyro at times. So it actually IS not so rare.

Swedish Santa


Quoted from ash

Ronny from buttonbashers did switch to pyro at times. So it actually IS not so rare.

Interesting. You don’t happen to have a link with a video where he is shown doing that, or some explanation or guide when to do so?



The best way to put it, is that if you don’t know when is the best time to do it or need someone to explain it to you, you shouldn’t be doing it.



Nope sorry.

+1 Skyride



The only time i would be fine with any medic i know and play with regularly doing this is if they were the only one spawning vs 6 people about to push last.

Swedish Santa


Quoted from Skyride

The best way to put it, is that if you don’t know when is the best time to do it or need someone to explain it to you, you shouldn’t be doing it.

I see… in some rare occasions, I get the urge to go pyro when im usually the medic. Just to airblast the crockets back to the enemy. There is one time at fastlane, the enemy team had kritzkrieg and I used medigun. They had a heavy, two soldiers, one scout etc and we had the normal 6v6 set up then. We were unable to push to the last point because they deployed the kritz faster than I could build the über. Then I felt that If I had gone pyro, I would have been able to backblast those rockets away and won that cap.

I know most times what to do when playing comp but I trust nevertheless my feelings most. That time I didnt listen to myslef, and possibly a reason of our loss.

Is this the kind of situation I should have gone pyro?



Nope, if you knew they had kritz, just don’t put yourself in a position where they will be able to kill you with kritz. Build uber somewhere safe then push last when you have uber.

Swedish Santa


Quoted from Enef

Nope, if you knew they had kritz, just don’t put yourself in a position where they will be able to kill you with kritz. Build uber somewhere safe then push last when you have uber.

I know that golden rule. But in just that specific match It was crazy.
Anyways, I think I have a picture of when to go pyro (never). I shall get some more practice now.

Thanks for all the replies.


\V/ Gold

he just said fastlane lol.


you really should only change from medic if all ur team is dead after u died first and enemy is pushing ur last

p.s. fucking lol how mad ppl get at randa :DD fucking deserved…faggot

Swedish Santa


Quoted from nTraum

he just said fastlane lol.

Yes, it was fastlane :P



Quoted from Swedish Santa


I see… in some rare occasions, I get the urge to go pyro when im usually the medic. Just to airblast the crockets back to the enemy. There is one time at fastlane, the enemy team had kritzkrieg and I used medigun. They had a heavy, two soldiers, one scout etc and we had the normal 6v6 set up then. We were unable to push to the last point because they deployed the kritz faster than I could build the über. Then I felt that If I had gone pyro, I would have been able to backblast those rockets away and won that cap.

I know most times what to do when playing comp but I trust nevertheless my feelings most. That time I didnt listen to myslef, and possibly a reason of our loss.

Is this the kind of situation I should have gone pyro?

If you realised they had crits and you didnt have uber YOU SHOULD HAVE BACKED OFF.

What would you have done, kill binded and went pyro?!?!?!?!?!

It sounds a bit like you want to do something other than medic.

However, if you think a pyro would help on last, the medic is DEFINITELY not the right class to switch out.

Seriously cant tell if troll.

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