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Mix group for new players to comp

Created 29th July 2011 @ 18:29

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Monkeh has already mentioned it, but I thought it deserved its own thread :)
Mix group designed for newer players, we could use some more people willing to do mixes; we have 5 a day and theres still people wanting more :)

If you know any public players who are interested in making the step up or whatever, feel free to invite them to the group



This is getting bigger by the day, we’re up to 7 mixes a day and people are still missing out and wanting more. We have servers available but it would be great if we could a few more experienced members to play occasional games with some new players. Some of these guys are nowhere near as bad as you may think, plus they do listen to calls….sometimes.

Anyway, would love some people with a bit of experience to play with them and guide them around a bit, medics, pocket sollies and demo’s especially so you can call.

Join the steam group and speak to an admin about it all, we may even have a server located in on the North American landmass available to us soon as well, so we may even go intercontinental!

So far there is a lot of interest and I’m getting nagged about organising mixes all the time, their enthusiasm is impressive. We have 174 members and more joining every day.

Some comments from the new guys:

ne|saboz posted on July 26, 2011 @ 9:01pm
great games :) hopefully gonna play some more mixes with/against you guys ;3

Chrazini posted on July 27, 2011 @ 5:31pm
New here. Cant wait to play some awesome matches

Mongoose Mix/Merc |eXtv| posted on July 28, 2011 @ 10:27pm
any moar?

Burningthunder posted on July 29, 2011 @ 9:05am
are there any plans for a mix yet

i-ghost posted on July 29, 2011 @ 12:40pm
These mixes are addictive.

[BR]xXQuickscopez420bongsmokaXx posted on July 29, 2011 @ 5:14pm
Yeah that was loads of fun

[BR]xXQuickscopez420bongsmokaXx posted on July 30, 2011 @ 11:24am
Thanks to all the people organizing this, I’ve enjoyed the games a lot and learned more than I would in a month of normal playing

TheMightyCheesecake™ posted on July 30, 2011 @ 3:22pm
This beats pub-games anyday! Had some great games.

[BR]xXQuickscopez420bongsmokaXx posted on July 30, 2011 @ 5:08pm
I’d love to play another match

Gin Paladin posted on July 30, 2011 @ 9:52pm
Thanks guys! Intense as hell but that’s what I expected. Expect to see my newly competive ass here often :D

ne|saboz posted on July 31, 2011 @ 1:09pm

I – Screamie posted on July 31, 2011 @ 5:58pm

B0nesaw posted on July 31, 2011 @ 8:46pm
Hopefully there’s one at 9pm GMT OR 9:30 too *wink wink* *nudge nudge*

a Void posted on August 01, 2011 @ 10:53pm
midnight mix please?

So yeah, what with work and our own teams to sort out, it would be great to get some more of you guys in to play and shout at them what to do and where to go, add me or just join the group, cheers, see you soon…



might be up for being a mentor/mixing if you need.

I’ll join the group or drop me a message on steam if you want :)


(ETF2L Donator)

I’ve wanted to get involved but the mixes fill up so quickly, I’d feel bad taking a new guys place on one.



It would be great if we could get more than one mix happening at once you see, so people dont have to be so quick. I’m happy to give a few trusted peeps the rcon of the .:ne:.double mix server we use, so games can be arranged whenever there is someone around to update the event page and play with them. We have mumble channels ready to go at all times too.

These things fill within 5-10 minutes at the moment, so having a couple happening at the same time will be a huge bonus. Plus this Friday night we’re going to try to get 4 servers filled at the same time, any help there would be great.


Joined the group, no idea how it actually works though, is there a mumble server where everyone hangs out waiting to mix or something?
Would also be willing help out noobs etc if they have questions.


Keep up the great work, guys!



Quoted from Anathema

Joined the group, no idea how it actually works though, is there a mumble server where everyone hangs out waiting to mix or something?
Would also be willing help out noobs etc if they have questions.

An admin posts an event, gives out the mumble details and start time in the announcement and then people post with what class they wanna play. Admin updates the list of players in the event and everyone joins mumble. Teams are sorted in as fair a way as possible and then away they go.

What we really need is more people to actually take over the ‘running’ of the event, play with them and really just call a bit, go over roll outs, if needed, and maybe give them some advice on positioning etc. The guys who play probably know who’s good so I leave it to them to sort the teams out.

Most of them have been double map affairs as it’s proved easy to get subs if required as they pretty much all turn out over subscribed these mixes and fill up in at most 20 minutes, usually at any time of day, demand is high :)

So if you reckon you might have a spare hour and a half, plus half an hour to get it organised and announced etc, at any time of day or night speak to one of us about getting admin rights, schedule an event and if you need one, both .:ne:. and, I think IDK, have at least 1 server available specifically for these guys to play on.



I can help out early or late at night, most days. Is there a way to put my name down for when a ‘pro’ (and I use that word in the loosest of senses) is needed to play and main call. Also up for doing any Q and A when needed.

Or do you just join the group and wait?



Quoted from CrashSite

I can help out early or late at night, most days. Is there a way to put my name down for when a ‘pro’ (and I use that word in the loosest of senses) is needed to play and main call. Also up for doing any Q and A when needed.

Or do you just join the group and wait?

Best way to pro it up is to start one yourself and pick a class, offer up any Q+A’s in mumble. Having the admin status so you can start an event shows you iz da pro.



Well I joined, should I add you on steam to talk about admin rights then?



Already done, I added a few others as well, if you dont want to be on the admin list, just pm me :)

btw, have a look at a few of these for how it all works: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/6v6newmix/events


always good to see new people around :)



I have joined, will help out whenever I can and in whatever manner :)



Quoted from CrashSite

Well I joined, should I add you on steam to talk about admin rights then?

We’re supposed to be encouraging new players CrashSite, not putting them off!

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