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Season 4 Division Groups

Created 23rd October 2008 @ 16:15

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I’m sure my clan isn’t alone in not overly enjoying this league season; the reason being that we play for fun and aren’t actually brilliant at the game. This lead to us being beaten in every match as the majority of teams in our group were more skilled than us.

I realise that grouping up teams this season was difficult due to the huge increase in teams playing, however I’d like to propose what I think would be an improvement for next season.

After you promote and relegate the relevant teams, can you please take all the teams in each division and rank them by points scored this season. Then take this ordered list and create groups from each set of 10 consecutive teams.

That way we’ll end up with groups that are hopefully far better matched than this season and therefore happier players, happier clans and more enjoyment for everybody… because it’s surely just as frustrating to play a team who doesn’t put up a matching fight.


Are you suggesting an idea that wuld make div x a better than div x B nd so on?


it's a farm


as you already mentioned, it was pretty difficult to set balanced Divisions as about 80% of the signed teams were new and unknown, thats why we pleased every team to set a skill level by signing up. All teams in Division 5 this Season set their skill level to “1” which is lowest level, anyway looks like some of these rated theirselves wrong ;)

Season 4 Divisions will be more balanced due to our Promotion/Relegation System, so look forward to this :)

– dAy

Other than promotions and relegations, you’re not planning on any further measures to balance the groups in Season 4?

ie. We will stick with the current group we have other than having 3 teams leave through promotion and 3 new teams from relegation? (assuming of course, the number of teams in the league don’t change)



I would say there were many instances in this currant season where I looked at divisions and wondered what the thinking was behind them with some seedings. You seem to have based a fair few of your seedings going on ETF2L only. There have been many clans I have looked at there homepages and checked up on other league sites they have played in and there league placements honestly just baffled me.

What I’m basically saying is I personally feel more effort could have been put into the background checks of clans just going on some of the divisions (oooo this will get some admin flame). Dont just check results and previous seasons placings, but also events in the clan (large member changes) and if in doubt go and speak to clan personally!

I do appreciate its a lot of work doing this and I know myself how much work seedings teams for events can actually be from past experiance. But if you are running a league its you that are responsible for making sure every team in it is enjoying there gaming on a fair playing field. If the job is too big recruit more admins! ;)

Please dont take what I’ve said as a dircet insult, far from it! I think you guys in ETF2L do an excellent job for the TF2 community I just think tho that this is one area that you could be stronger on. Its something that all of the league sites have a problem with atm and its damaging the lower end of the TF2 community, those clans that only play for fun but even then can only take so much hammering


*flame* :)

no sometimes you really don’t know how a team will play during the following season. Ok you may be right about doing that kind of research but is a guarantee that the divisions will be equal? Surely not. As I saw for season3 there was quite some work done on seeding the teams but if you never saw a team before, where would you class it? Of course last division, but what if this team has got some great players you never heard of, and god-like team play?
We didn’t introduce that skill-level on sign-up just for fun. If each team is honest by ranking them selves, it will take away a lot of work.

Furthermore the admin stuff got doubled some time ago. So no need for more at the moment.


it's a farm

@Moobie: About 10 admins discussed Season 3 seedings + we had a pre-announcement of Divisions where teams had some days time to request another Division. Imo we did a good job in Season 3 Seedings (from the point they were done). Ofc a lot changes in between 3 months.

@Kloppy: I can’t tell you by now, as it’s not even sure when Season 4 is gonna start. But you won’t be placed in the same Division with same teams, it will be mixed up again (+ probably more changes, but can’t say anything to that atm).


to be honest i think we should do it the way that the old TFC uk league was ran
any new signed up team plays a team from each division then if they win they go up to the next division say ….
ie. we are div 5 if they beat us they would play someone from div 4 if they lost to them they should be placed in high div 5 or low div four. because to be honest no one in the league is honest when it comes to skilling your own clan as we have BoS and Yourip extrim who are both easily div 4 maybe div 3 clans in 5a and they rated themselves one.
im really looking forward to season 4 and hope everyone does well..
gl hf




Yep must say with the how good is your clan rating system, I thought I was being honest saying we were 4/5 which was pretty low skill in my eyes since we were all good players but not that good on strategy (now corrected we know were horrific!) But everyone in group 4a all were very sharp opponets and all used tried and tested stratergies.

Maybe the diffrence between level 4 – 5 should of been made a little clearer due to the fact its where the majoity of clans go and there a massive jump in skill between the two divisons.

Level 5 for clans who are up for a fight and laught (-=Crazy=-)
Level 4 for clans who have drilled practice in every inch of getting to the center of pro gran as a team within 15 seconds!

Sorry for my weird and wonderfull ramblings of a nub whos has his ego well and truly stomped (but learnt a load thanks all those peeps in div 4a)


When is season 4 gonna start anyways?



just wait for an official news, which should be published soon


Please lock the roster after the season has started, thx.



We had the same problems in the 2nd season. The first season was pretty good organised. But we just had 3 or 4 Divisions. Now it is around 20 – 25. A big difference.

In season 2 we were dropped in Division 3. And we lost each match with the max you can make in matches. Thats realy no fun for each clan. That was one of the reasons we didnt played season 3.
Now i see that the divisions are a bit more balanced. But you can pick out the competitive clans in the lower divisions who are new.

The gap between fun clans and clans who wants to be competitive are too big.

Maybe its an idea to put in the clan details if you are a funclan or a competitive clan.
I know you admins are doing your best. And its not easy to run a big league as this one. But for the funclans, the fun part is flowing away for them.


I think the best way is to look at national ligues (In France, http://www.lftf2.net), you can see approximatively the level between french teams here. Is not exact, because some top teams dropped (redLine, expansion, pancake), but it was pretty balanced on season 5.
If you do the same to other countries by looking tables of score it will help you ;)



Or just look results of new team who set their skill level to 3 or more.

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