mumble 1.2.0 doesnt let my microphone put out sound
Created 27th December 2009 @ 22:16
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so i installed mumble 1.2 since 50 % of all mixes i go to say that they use it, but when i use my microphone in it people cant hear me. i went into audiowizard and saw that it registers the sound i make but people cant hear it. the bar moves but no sound.
i have updated my drivers for my headset, reinstalled it and my mic isnt off or anything. also, it still works for 1.1x servers. and it works with the backwards compatible thingy.
plz help me!11
Last edited by lÖÖFv,
just had the same problem, i dont remember what i did to fix it though, maybe i didnt even fix it :D whatevs
Last edited by destructo,
I’m actually having the opposite problem. My mic works on the 1.2.0 version, but not the backwards compatible of it. But only when im ingame. If im out of game its fine, but assoon as im ingame , people just hear explosion noises or something. So i just went back to 1.1.8 and said fuck it.
I’ve been having the same problem with no one hearing me on backwards compatibility, found out my firewall was blocking mumble from transmitting my voice, maybe its the same for you guys?
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