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Hud removal issue

Created 4th December 2009 @ 09:42

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Here i go with stupid questions again.

Is it possible to remove just certain parts of your hud? (dont tell me to google it.)
As in, i’m trying to remove ammo and stopwatch, etc etc. Keeping only the health, targetid, capturepoints and ubercharge (yay medic hud). All i can find is huds with both the health and ammo removed. Only way i can think of doing it is using socalled “invisible huds” for the parts i dont want (as in an empty box replacing say, the ammo). If that is the only way to fix it, where do i get one? :p

I’ve tried messing around with the scripts and hudlayout, etc etc. But all it seems to give me is either an empty screen or a full hud, not removing anything. So either i’m doing it wrong or it’s just not possible.

Any help would be appretiated, been frustrated with this long enough (numlocked, youre useless at this helping thing)


It’s entirely possible and rather easy.

Hit me up on Steam for all requests, I’ll do it.

Sir Remix


Hey, if this works out, could u upload it and then post it here?



I don’t have steam atm, but i can do it later tonight unless you’re really really bored now :D

And sure SirRemix, will atleast post whatever solution i have to it as i have a personally customized hud.

Last edited by .____________.,


Hey dats!




I don’t see you helping out jh, lazy person. You owe me a bathrobe.




Request fulfilled.

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