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Any hope of getting an avatar?

Created 1st October 2009 @ 18:41

Locked Pages: 1

So, I registred with the nick JohnnyJackal around a year ago or something.

Entered my steam ID after registering, but no avatar.

Today, I made a new account, Johnny Jackal (original, i know).
I figured that the ID was wrong the first time. So when I typed in my ID once more, I made sure it was corrrect.

Then I get the message that this ID is already in use on my old acc (Johnnyjackal).

For the record I used the correct format: X:X:XXXXXX
My steam ID is: STEAM_0:1:16605730 00:39 345 0

I typed 0:1:166057

Question is: Where the hell is my avatar?



i can only guess, but when i click on ur steam id it says that u havent set up ur steam id page yet, maybe thats why ? :)



A SteamID can be longer than the 6 characters shown by x’s. So you’ve entered the wrong SteamID (2 numbers missing from your actual ID), hence why you don’t get your picture shown on the site.

That is probably the reason then!

Any admins mind fixing this?



Fixed it for you, should be working within 24 hours.

Last edited by RaCio,


Thread could now be closed, I presume :)

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