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team issues!

Created 21st August 2008 @ 15:56

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when signing up i setup a team for vengeance which i need deleted. I also cannot do anything with VenGeaNce i.e. the map pool! also the capitals vengeance dont lets me do anyfink!

any help oh wise admins?



team “Vengeance” has you as leader, and no members and is not in the league.

However the team with the name “VenGeaNce” has Dr_Zaius & Tempest as leader and Sm0ke as Deputy (note the 0 in Sm0ke, that’s not you, you have a regular o, Smoke.)

Since you are not leader, nor deputy of team VenGeaNce, you obviously cannot manage the team.
If you want to do so, i suggest one of the current leaders of the team makes you either leader or deputy.




issue here is I dont seem to have any of my e-mails set up to the Sm0ke account so cannot retrieve my password :( add to this the fact that our leaders are away for the reading or leeds festival (cant remember which lol) and we cant contact them to see if they have submitted our map picks :( :( :( what can we do because i dont think they will be back until tuesday and we really dont want to be removed from the league over this!




Good luck managing your team, cause you can :)

I had a look around, and found enough proof that you and the sm0ke already deputy are the same person :) THough you’re not in the team yourself, might want to do that too.




im gonna be honest

I F**kin love you, really LOL

thank you very very much ur a legend! :D

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