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Need full .cfg for Etf2l server(with all commands)

Created 9th September 2009 @ 15:21

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As topic says, i need a cfg, that has all comands for etf2l server, since our clan cfg is pretty f***ed up and half of comands doesn’t do anything at all. I would really appreciate.

If u cant add it here, send the .cfg file or the whole commands list here: [email protected]

Thank you.


The very last (or first, depending on how you look at it) post on the front-page, with big bold things and underscore, including arrows, it says “Updated Config”, that’s not enough for you? :)

Ok then! Here you go: http://deneusbeer.nl/tf2/etf2l.cfg



There are some STV commands missing, and some other commands, i would really appreciate, if u would give me ur server cfg. And yes, i found that link in the main page with the title “updated cfg”.

P.S. im not the one, who handles server, im just a messenger, u posts mesages here.
P.S. im totaly green at that kind of stuff, so im sorry, if im nto perfect.


*raise eyebrow* What TV-commands are supposedly missing? It just sets the few values associated with how the “broadcasts” are to be handled (such as delay and chat-spam) — it does not set up the broadcast itself (obviously).

If it’s a complete reference as to how this is done you’re after, I would suggest you (or ‘this guy’ you mentioned) read the Valve Developer Community article on it, located here: http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/SourceTV#Broadcasting_Games

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