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how do you re-add someone to the roster?

Created 28th May 2009 @ 17:52

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ok, i while back i removed a player from the roster cause he didnt belive his gf would aprove of playin tf2, turns out she does D: but i already removed him, i have tryed to re-add him but i can never seem to find him or his id when adding him.

hes on the 4v4 and highlander side but not on thr 6v6 side

was just wondering if i can re-add him to the roster or do i have to ask an admin to do so?

the player – http://etf2l.org/forum/user/7085/

the clan – http://etf2l.org/teams/5850/

thanks :)





select him from the drop down, hit the button, an done.

thats the problem, i cant find him on the drop down list

anyone able to help? :(




i can see him? :S

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