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Olgha - getting ban for being good

Created 27th November 2017 @ 18:36

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as condom said i helped u startup



I would like to add that if you consider me as cancerous, you’re totally wrong :

First of all, you created a total fake team fortress 2, 6on6, by only considering a compo as 2 scouts, 2 soldiers 1 demo and 1 medic, and not even thinking about how you should you play these classes to make them strong (That’s why some players can’t be good at this game because they’re getting stuck to play 1 of these classes). we’ve been playing this league for a long time now, 10 years, 1 META, and you don’t even understand it. On top of that, people are mistaken on their way to improve : people now prefers to know how to airshots rather than understand why an airshot is important to hit at the right time and not all time, how to aim down 3 players while rushing, rather than playing around his mobility as scout ( #JustAboutDealing-3FromFarAwayWithYourScatterGun ), all those people thinks more about improve their personal performance and they learn in a bad way because it is supposed to be “how you play” (Fragmovie, interest for logs.tf…).
And what about winning games ? Stop shittalk your team and learn from your mistakes. But now what is most important is to go prem, for personal interest just to show that “you’re prem”, teams are dropping everywhere, they’re not getting better and that sucks. Now in grand finals (even in mid, big up to ringo squad) people are playing too safe, too dangerous to push and that shows how teamplay is not developed enough in 10 years of gaming. Why NA > EU, my answer : ETF2L’s mentality and spirit. People prefers to run conch’s and shit, counter-sack instead of winning the game, they’re just afraid to lose and that’s an idiot mentality.

Now back at pyro : The thing is that i made for you guys an alternative gameplay, that is not difficult to have, only by gamesens and positionning, doing well as a generalist. Valve gave us that because it can allow people who likes pyro to be good at 6’s but they can’t because of tiny nerds who just prefer to the game the way it is ( hello pugchamp admins). I will not remind you that a growing competitive game have to look from casual to pro the same way, Now Valve’s in, people’s out because of those people.

Why don’t we change those people then ? I tried, i failed, community tried, community fails.
because of 50iq nerds that try to be good somewhere in their life.

Hope that you find it interesting and you’ll tell me how wrong i am.

edit : Why would i talk on tftv, when i’m talking about europeans, tbh i don’t give a damn about americans

Last edited by Olgha,



It’s always hilarious to observe how some people can’t bear to watch the sacred 6v6 meta challenged.

You have it all backwards: if Olgha’s that good on pyro it’s up to everyone on the opposing team to find a way to counter him, not for him to switch the class so that his enemies could have an easier time.

I understand the argument about him being a premiership player having to face lower skilled opponents, but isn’t that the reason a captains’ system was implemented in the first place? So that teams would be evenly matched?



ouai olgha ta trop raison vasy defonce les


(๑╹ω╹๑ )

Quoted from Included_Middle


Wouldn’t the spirit of the law be to stop people running ineffectual stuff like engie to mid, clearly this guys offclassing was working, and he kept it well within the rules. Seems like another case of 6s players being upset other classes have uses in 6s.

Quoted from Clark

It’s always hilarious to observe how some people can’t bear to watch the sacred 6v6 meta challenged.

You have it all backwards: if Olgha’s that good on pyro it’s up to everyone on the opposing team to find a way to counter him, not for him to switch the class so that his enemies could have an easier time.

I understand the argument about him being a premiership player having to face lower skilled opponents, but isn’t that the reason a captains’ system was implemented in the first place? So that teams would be evenly matched?

I fail to understand this logic of you two even more than what Olgha is trying to say. Just because he is playing some different offclass aside from a sniper (WOAH must praise him so we can show off the highlander supremacy… HL PREM gamer btw), doesn’t mean that he still gets to do what he only wants because the site he plays on has actual rules in place to ensure what people should play as to keep the experience enjoyable for everyone and pretty surely about 99% of the userbase there does very well agree to it.

He can do it in ETF2L for all he wants though since we will not ever limit it, but I hardly doubt that it will work much in the long run anyways the more better organized teams he will face against, or at least until the stupid class itself gets fixed.



Quoted from Bloodis



I fail to understand this logic of you two even more than what Olgha is trying to say. Just because he is playing some different offclass aside from a sniper (WOAH must praise him so we can show off the highlander supremacy… HL PREM gamer btw), doesn’t mean that he still gets to do what he only wants because the site he plays on has actual rules in place to ensure what people should play as to keep the experience enjoyable for everyone and pretty surely about 99% of the userbase there does very well agree to it.

He can do it in ETF2L for all he wants though since we will not ever limit it, but I hardly doubt that it will work much in the long run anyways the more better organized teams he will face against, or at least until the stupid class itself gets fixed.

Well, since when weebos meemed by skill police are not muted ?
Highlander -> 9 class vs 9 class, am i showing off highlander supremacy by playing one of these classes ?, TF2 has also 9 classes you know, and the fact is that theses rules aren’t appropriate because pyro is no longer an off-class in the 6’s meta because it works all time.
PugChamp.tf is not about “keep the experience enjoyable”, as it is said it’s about “Play to the best of your ability” and having common courtesy. You should personally try it out because i’ve never seen you carrying like a prem player, and so you should get ban and not me :)))

Finally, just try to counter my strat, i’m already 100 steps ahead from you, racist admins

Last edited by Olgha,


skill police :vohiyo:


Quoted from Bloodis



I fail to understand this logic of you two even more than what Olgha is trying to say. Just because he is playing some different offclass aside from a sniper (WOAH must praise him so we can show off the highlander supremacy… HL PREM gamer btw), doesn’t mean that he still gets to do what he only wants because the site he plays on has actual rules in place to ensure what people should play as to keep the experience enjoyable for everyone and pretty surely about 99% of the userbase there does very well agree to it.

He can do it in ETF2L for all he wants though since we will not ever limit it, but I hardly doubt that it will work much in the long run anyways the more better organized teams he will face against, or at least until the stupid class itself gets fixed.

If Olgha was playing updated pyro you would have lost the s27 high finals vs soiree 100% sure and calling the “stupid” class “broken” just shows how insecure you are about dealing against a certain player on a class that actually has a functional primary instead of particles, that depending on net settings you could rub point blank into people and them not being ignited.

Why is it ok in your mind for Muuki to run whatever he wants in any situation but its not ok for someone else to play pyro effectively ?? Why is it ok for Silentes to full time demoknight, and kaidus making a play pushing with backburner on gully last is seen as a fun strat and “innovative” but if anyone else dares to do something unconventional before having endeared the status as community darling he gets nothing but scorn? Also i seen first hand what happens when you try to incorporate something like that, do it in dmix “no trolling plz”, do it on tf2c AUTOPLUGIN HAS DETECTED SAC ON PYRO INSTEAD OF SCOUT SWITCH BACK IN 20 SECONDS, do it on pugchamp, person screams in his kid voice DONT GO PYRO WTF, ok that 4k was nice but next time only do that when you are scrimming i’m trying to get good here dad, so I do and keep it to scrim, go pyro and make play, and keep playing it for a while, other team refuses to scrim second map. I would make it hard for the organiser of the scrims on my team in a way i felt bad about it even though i was being effective. Very akward.

Last edited by Sacrilege,


Honestly if you let a pyro without airblast kill 13 of your players in 6 minutes, you’re likely doing something wrong.

But getting banned for playing something considered “aids” and outside the meta isn’t enough, I got banned for sniping on product once (which is actually viable in top tier 6v6 meta, assuming you get frags): http://logs.tf/1842256

Suspiciously the same PugChamp admin banned both me and Olgha, and I would argue this admin is very biased because his friends don’t get banned for trolling ever.

Quoted from Included_Middle

Wouldn’t the spirit of the law be to stop people running ineffectual stuff like engie to mid, clearly this guys offclassing was working, and he kept it well within the rules. Seems like another case of 6s players being upset other classes have uses in 6s.

Yeah, or not trying to win, but I don’t see how this violates tryharding considering he got 13 frags in one life and nobody could stop him


Red KRAFTYDAVE cant have a nice pug
Red KRAFTYDAVE i really hope u go over 33%

see kids this is why you never make written rules about offclassing, as angry people in a position in power will take the poorly written rule to fuck you over after getting destroyed.

Last edited by Sacrilege,


(๑╹ω╹๑ )

Quoted from Sacrilege

Why is it ok in your mind for Muuki to run whatever he wants in any situation but its not ok for someone else to play pyro effectively ?? Why is it ok for Silentes to full time demoknight, and kaidus making a play pushing with backburner on gully last is seen as a fun strat and “innovative” but if anyone else dares to do something unconventional before having endeared the status as community darling he gets nothing but scorn?

Because they’ve always done it in an environment where you aren’t bound by rules that tell you to add up as classes that you clearly join as on a specific website? I could just go to PugChamp and see that you can add up as a scout or roamer, but I don’t see any spot where you can be a flex. If you do want to do that then feel free to do it in scrims or officials, just don’t be surprised if no team likes to scrim you as seen with Lowpander in the past when Muuki actually went all out with the offclasses while nowadays he plays 95% of his time currently on soldier only and the rest on pretty much only spy.

Quoted from Olgha

Finally, just try to counter my strat, i’m already 100 steps ahead from you, racist admins

https://i.imgur.com/25MqUtn.png + medigun beam, mystery solved.

I don’t see how any of us are racist either, but feel free to keep me entertained.


Quoted from Bloodis

Because they’ve always done it in an environment where you aren’t bound by rules that tell you to add up as classes that you clearly join as on a specific website? I could just go to PugChamp and see that you can add up as a scout or roamer, but I don’t see any spot where you can be a flex. If you do want to do that then feel free to do it in scrims or officials, just don’t be surprised if no team likes to scrim you as seen with Lowpander in the past when Muuki actually went all out with the offclasses while nowadays he plays 95% of his time currently on soldier only and the rest on pretty much only spy.

all the examples i gave are from streams i watched including pugchamp games, which just reinforces my point, that its ok to do it if you got such a status, that the admin would shoot himself in the foot if they sanctioned them, like what happened when sideshow got a ban from pugchamp for offclassing shenanigans iirc. I was never surprised that teams declined, but more dissapointed in their inability to deal with it.

Last edited by Sacrilege,



Quoted from Sacrilege

[…] all the examples i gave are from pugchamp games, which just reinforces my point, that its ok to do it if you got such a status, that the admin would shoot himself in the foot if they sanctioned them, like what happened when sideshow got a ban from pugchamp for offclassing shenanigans iirc. I was never surprised that teams declined, but more dissapointed in their inability to deal with it.

Just pointing out I took my time to check past 6 pugs Muuki played, and he offclassed spy in 1, for one life. Everything else is fulltime soldier. Oh, I checked 3 more, 1 included 1 life on engineer. You gave Muuki as an example of someone flexing in pugs, yet in the past 9 pugs he has offclassed 3 times, for one life. I think that example isn’t really valid.




– Do not play roles you were not drafted to play. In particular, do not switch roles with other players on your team.

Did he ban himself as well? :thinking:

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