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ETF2L working slowly on Chrome

Created 5th June 2016 @ 23:23

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I have had a problem for a while where I go onto the etf2l webpage on Chrome and after loading one or two pages, it starts to run really slowly, take ages to respond and sometimes crash.

At first I thought I was alone but I hear of others with a similar issue, so I think it is an ETF2L bug of some kind.

To give you a bit more information, generally the page becomes unresponsive and takes up to a minute or more to load, on some occasions Chrome crashes. It usually happens when you go on a matchpage or teampage, seems to be more common, but in general the problems seems to extend to the whole website.



Hey Hildreth, thanks for the heads up on this, hopefully we can get to the bottom of the issue relatively quickly. I haven’t seen it myself, and this is the first I’ve heard of it, but I’ll keep an eye out for it in future.

If you or anyone else comes across this issue again before it’s fixed, would it be possible to get some extra info please? Such as:

– Does it happen in incognito mode?
– Are you running any extensions or plugins? Which ones?
– Does it happen on other browsers?
– If you hit F12, click on the ‘Timeline’ tab that appears then hit F5, does the timeline data show anything specific being particularly slow? (might be worth uploading a screenshot or copy of the data, if possible)





I have the same issue as hildreth, which is particularly annoying as when I need to verify results my pc can hang for several seconds.

It is chrome only for me and affects incognito mode.
I am running adblock plus, however this is disabled on etf2l, TF2 stars and Ban Checker for steam as well as RES.

This is my time line upon opening 5 match pages.

Edit: This is the timeline I get when I try to refresh/edit this thread

Last edited by MoistPenguin,



I had this 2-1,5 weeks ago and it’s completely gone now. As it was so random I didn’t expect other people to have the same issue. Main things I noticed was that it wasn’t just my desktop where it was running slowly but basically every single PC within my home network.
All of these devices do run chrome and I didn’t end up testing another browser.
The only app thats the same as Moist is TF2 stars but this shouldn’t be loading in on ETF2L and shouldn’t be the issue.
Things that I did see was that when using a proxy the site kept on running at normal speed that I was used to. So with the above things I expected it to be a ISP problem of some sorts. Or that ETF2L starts lowering connections that send too much requests.(Would be possible for me as I have some scripts that load 600-1000 pages in the api)
See if you have some similarities with what I described. What fixed it for me was waiting …
Yeah its a lame option but it fixed itself after 4-5 days.


What about the JumpListIcons folder?
Had some massive lags like a year ago because of that.



My jumplisticons is only 600 kb or so.

I noticed that when i load a bunch of tabs then swap between them chrome laggs massivly, hangs and sometimes crashes the GPU process in chromes task manager spikes from 0-1% cpu usage to around 60-80%.

edit: disabling hardware acceleration in chrome has greatly improved the situation. I am going to keep having it disabled to see if actually helps or if it was another change I made.

Last edited by MoistPenguin,



I had this issue. Went away when I reinstalled windows so hey at least that works. Seems to have been accompanied by Flash crashing very often: might have something to do with that.

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