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TF2 keeps on going to desktop screen

Created 16th February 2016 @ 04:49

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Recently my tf2 has been automatically tabbing out and going to the desktop screen for a reason I am completely unaware of, I was wondering if anybody would know why? I play in fullscreen and my ingame resolution is 1280×720 if that helps. It has been happening multiple times every day for the past couple of weeks now.


Maybe you accidentally press ALT? Then wanna check scoreboard and click TAB?

Last edited by NeuTronas,


Remove custom folder and see if it fixes is. Although its 99% something in your configs.

Also put your config to “read only” especially if you watch other people demos.

Last edited by doks,



is this why youve been dropping to bren in mixes



just tf2?

It’s called stealing focus. only one application can have focus in windows, and if it’s badly coded, another app steals it.

I was having the same problem. TF2 just randomly minimised when playing in full screen with no other application seemed to be open.
Later checked what was stealing the focus, turned out it was an akamai auto updater which I had to turn off.

So good luck troubleshooting!


Quoted from quintosh

just tf2?

Tf2 is like the only game i’m currently playing so I have not noticed it happening in any other game besides tf


Thanks alot guys, I guess i’ll start going through all of these one by one, try and figure out what’s happening. :)


well now we know why, it was the hacks smh




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