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Tiny bug regarding beta design

Created 1st June 2015 @ 12:52

Locked Pages: 1


Not necessarily something major, but there’s an issue with tables which shifts the content of tables one cell to the left in the beta design. It doesn’t break anything, it doesn’t even look silly.

IMGUR link to a cropped screenshot showing it.

This does not happen in the old ETF2L design, however. Just thought it might be worth noting.

Last edited by Alice,



There are more bugs than just this, but sadly cherry is busy with saloon.tf :(



Am i the only one who prefers the beta website zoomed at 90%? i think just better with a smaller size…

(there is too much blue, AAAAAH! I remember E-thug once did an awesome job adding some light colors)

Last edited by cirlo,


Hi Nickston, just saw this thread randomly, I will take care of this today.


Please excuse my late response, I fixed it a few days ago. Thread is closed, if you find anything else feel free to post it to the general feedback thread.

Locked Pages: 1