Team picture on Etf2l
Created 16th May 2015 @ 11:27
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Sorry if this topic already exists, but I couldn’t find it. Because I have a question about the picture of your teampage from the Steam group. Normally it should update in 24 hours if I remember correctly, but it has been several weeks now and it still shows the old picture. Is there a way to fix this? Or is it just me?
Quoted from TimTum
Sorry if this topic already exists, but I couldn’t find it. Because I have a question about the picture of your teampage from the Steam group. Normally it should update in 24 hours if I remember correctly, but it has been several weeks now and it still shows the old picture. Is there a way to fix this? Or is it just me?
Try CTRL+F5 sometimes helps, otherwise – just wait.
Last edited by NeuTronas,
Quoted from kKaltUu
takes longer than 24 hrs, just be patient.
My 1v1 group didn´t catch the avatar even tho I did it 3 weeks ago ;o
Quoted from kKaltUu
takes longer than 24 hrs, just be patient.
I waited over a week for my HL team picture to change after linking it to the original group, but it never did.
Yesterday I decided to link it to another steamgroup and am now waiting for it to kick into effect.
Last edited by Fuxx,
i changed my teams steamgroup 3 weeks and it still hasn’t worked and my 2v2 team either longer than that and again its not worked.
the drama!!! the horror!!!!!!!!!!
Last edited by doks,
People really want their meme pics on their team profile, denying memes is obscene :^)
Quoted from Fuxx
Yesterday I decided to link it to another steamgroup and am now waiting for it to kick into effect.
Still didn’t change.
i wrote do Death_D, he said that it’s an error, they are waiting for their code writer
Quoted from corben
i wrote do Death_D, he said that it’s an error, they are waiting for their code writer
Alright, thanks
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