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Bball respawn time

Created 10th May 2015 @ 14:12

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Quoted from damneasy

With freezecam it rewards you with noting but shooting the floor, if you have no freezecam you can actually go for cool jumps and airshots.

okay yeah i was joking till now but i’ll actually make a serious reply.
what is considered a freezecam lets get that out of the way first.
As far as i know that is a 1-2 second delay between respawning,so its not instant,but its close. Now thats nowhere near enough time in 2v2 to actually make it so one sided if one team out dms the other.
for starters, both players often die at different times, so there is usually 1 player alive.
i’ve had many games where the intel went back and forth many times.
second i think it makes for a better game since dying actually means something.
if instant respawn is so great, why not just make infinite health bball and get it over with?
other than that it makes the jump and shotgun strat a bit less effective, since it takes a lot of health to do it, and often the player that has done so has to /kill himself.
anyway thats just my 2 cents.
as far as im concerened any bball is good bball regardless.

Last edited by cxcgxyg,


gandhi is

Would it be possible to ban ctap scripts? Players who cant do it shouldnt be able to do it i think.


Quoted from uubers

Would it be possible to ban ctap scripts? Players who cant do it shouldnt be able to do it i think.

lol ban rocketjump script too then.
And how are can you know if someone is using a script

Last edited by damneasy,



Quoted from damneasy

I’ve played a lot of bball, and i’ve seen 0 people who want freezecam that are actually good at bball…

25-24 vs timus and SynciNG :D


Quoted from Phnx

25-24 vs timus and SynciNG :D

Easiest win of my life


Quoted from kKaltUu


I’m not interested in plugins. if hosting a cup we need a way to play it WITHOUT any mods installed on the server.

spec_freeze_time 0 is what you’re looking for.

And im pretty sure a ton people will disagree on this,
but i would make gunboats an option.

This comes from someone who played bball way before 6s
and mostly for fun.

Last edited by dd5f,

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