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stuck on etf2l beta

Created 7th March 2015 @ 13:25

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Currently posting in this thread from beta

Holy Christ this is awful. I do hope you are right when you say people are working on improving Cherie! As it is right now it feels like I’m staring at a chaotic collage with everything either in the wrong place or just out of proportion.

It took me a bit to find the edit button. Website should be designed to be as intuitive as possible, which is why I vastly preferred standard etf2l over this one, UGC and wireplay’s designs.

Last edited by Fuxx,



Some of the UI elements are incredibly unintuitive. How is somebody new to the site supposed to know where to click to find teams looking for players? 

Overall its pretty good. The forums look terrible though, please reduce the size of avatars and the amount of unused space.

Last edited by EmilioEstevez,

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