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Facebook problem (Yes, this is serious)

Created 24th November 2014 @ 19:37

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Everything is set to public http://imgur.com/mtLcWXo (Imgur link)

Yet this happens:
http://imgur.com/a/41Kkr (Imgur link)
(Not only with music)



wow people still using facebook in almost 2015



Facebook, top lel


maybe the “Visa som…”-feature is just screwing with you

Last edited by repu,



visa som en p12a



I think that the music section you’re looking at is music pages you have liked on facebook, not a list of stuff you have listened through spotify. Also do you really want to be THAT GUY who every person will see on their newsfeed at first when they log in because you’ve been listening music on spotify and it shows every single song in its own update?? If you want to track stuff you’ve been listening for yourself I would recommend last.fm, on last.fm you can also scrobble music from pretty much every music player program including spotify.


Quoted from roban

I think that the music section you’re looking at is music pages you have liked on facebook, not a list of stuff you have listened through spotify. Also do you really want to be THAT GUY who every person will see on their newsfeed at first when they log in because you’ve been listening music on spotify and it shows every single song in its own update?? If you want to track stuff you’ve been listening for yourself I would recommend last.fm, on last.fm you can also scrobble music from pretty much every music player program including spotify.

I don’t use the spotify account I have linked to my facebook.
I’m sorry for not being clear enough, this is about my likes not showing up on my main page for non-friends.

Last edited by Collaide,


Quoted from repu

maybe the “Visa som…”-feature is just screwing with you

I thought so too. I created a 2nd account to double check this and it still didn’t show up :D


Quoted from quintosh

visa som en p12a




Quoted from Collaide

I don’t use the spotify account I have linked to my facebook.
I’m sorry for not being clear enough, this is about my likes not showing up on my main page for non-friends.

For some reason I thought that your problem was how music you listen in Spotify doesnt track itself in Facebook, guess that this is what happens when I check screenshots and the message without even reading properly. Most likely thats a bug on FB’s side since you’ve set your likes to be public, only reason why they wouldnt show up might be if you have some other privacy settings overriding those.


Quoted from roban

For some reason I thought that your problem was how music you listen in Spotify doesnt track itself in Facebook, guess that this is what happens when I check screenshots and the message without even reading properly. Most likely thats a bug on FB’s side since you’ve set your likes to be public, only reason why they wouldnt show up might be if you have some other privacy settings overriding those.

I checked every possible option for everything including account options. Yeah… that’s what ya get for being too private I guess :p


Why would you have everything public?

Maybe I’m just paranoid with everything set to “me only”

Russian Guyovich

(Surging Meat Cable)

Quoted from unu

Why would you have everything public?



Quoted from unu

Why would you have everything public?

Maybe I’m just paranoid with everything set to “me only”

only want music to be hahaha :D

Quoted from Russian Guyovich



That is a very good point

Last edited by Collaide,


Quoted from Razkar

wow people still using facebook in almost 2015

Is there any other alternative really, other than spending 100 hours/2 weeks in-game of course :D

Last edited by CHERRY,

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