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Losses in tf2

Created 5th July 2014 @ 01:15

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Been getting those the last few days. Happens like one time each 20 seconds.

My internet settings:
cl_cmdrate 67
cl_interp 0.0152
cl_interp_ratio 1
cl_lagcompensation 1
cl_pred_optimize 2
cl_smooth 0
cl_smoothtime 0.01
cl_updaterate 67
rate 60000

Also, I have an orange lerp, but that’s never been a problem before.

Can the problem be something apart from my internet provider? Because it started around the time my sister came over to live here for a couple of days and started using my wi-fi. But it’s doubtful a single wi-fi using device can cause such interferences when the signal is 300mbps. Or can it?



Quoted from Clark

But it’s doubtful a single wi-fi using device can cause such interferences when the signal is 300mbps. Or can it?

This is a bit of an odd situation here. I stay in different places during winter and summer and all I can say is: Some modem’s can withstand multiple wi-fi using devices while some can’t.



A little update.
I tested both my laptop and my router at a friend’s house who’s got a different ISP. Everything is perfect, no losses or chokes. I’m almost sure now that it’s my ISP, the only thing that worries me is that when I’m connected directly from my laptop to the modem, even on my ISP everything is ok. So, as you can understand, a little bit of an odd situation. Could it just be that my sister’s smartphone takes so much of the wi-fi that it makes me lose so many packets?


If your pc is the only pc on your network, then put ur internet type in “public” mode. This is assuming you have win7.

Its just to make sure there isnt problem with network discovery killing your router. Thats the only idea i get.


some wireless routers are really bad with multiple client, so to answer whether its possible, yes it is, but it might not be that likely.

If you use wifi too, then there is a big chanse that your wifi is congested. Wifi is half duplex, and if your sister is using download heavy services, such as youtube/torrent etc. then there is simply nothing left for upstream. That will cause your issues.



Maybe try homeplugs?

EDIT: read thread properly and someone using the internet heavily can screw your internet up

Last edited by Munky,


Quoted from Munky

Maybe try homeplugs?

EDIT: read thread properly and someone using the internet heavily can screw your internet up

homeplugs and someone using ur internet causing issue is UK thing :D hes on 300mbps and homeplugs isnt a thing in latvia…

it sounds more like a crappy modem issue

homeplugs are waay to expensive anyway, you can buy router for like 12 euros that you can use for her and limit the bandwith in it, but thats just a crappy way of fixing the problem

Last edited by AnimaL,



Thank you everyone for helping – it’s not my router/pc, that’s for sure now. It’s probably not my ISP either, but that is debatable. I’ll try finding a problem somewhere else.


Me blind np

Last edited by Septique,


I had the same problem yday

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