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rcon question

Created 10th April 2014 @ 18:44

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Is there a way to do commands like ‘mp_showrespawntimes’ over rcon, without a game client? I always assumed you could rcon anything you could type into console, like ‘status’, but it isn’t that simple.

Spike Himself


Yes, you don’t need a game to send rcon commands to a server. There’s this popular program many people use to admin their servers but I forgot the name (very helpful I know..). Alternatively if you like programming there’s also rcon php stuff (google knows where to find it, I don’t :D)



Do you mean HLSW, spike?

That being said; fraac wants to check the respawntimes thingy remotely, and that doesnt involve rcon at all.

Last edited by ash,



Affirmative to both the above. So here I am, wanting to check mp_showrespawntimes without a game client and wondering, wondering…

I’m using Rcon::HL2 for Perl, which may be (is) lacking some functionality, but this seems more like a slap yourself on the head ‘duh!’ problem.

Last edited by fraac,

Spike Himself


Oh right, yeah that’s another story then. No idea :(

And yes I did mean HLSW, but never mind :D

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