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TF2 + Mumble + Steam time out simultaneously.

Created 11th March 2014 @ 23:23

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What the topic says basically. Started happening a couple of days ago. The funny thing is that steam comes back after around a minute, both mumble and tf2 server after around 5-6 minutes. But every other server (both in mumble and tf2) works just fine.

P.S. Can happen even when I don’t play tf2.

Last edited by Clark,



Try doing a traceroute to the mumble server when you are having issues, maybe its your isp?



this usually happens either when your provider tries to switch to ipv6 or when your router is dying

i would first suggest doing a factory reset on your modem and if it’s still happening then call your ISP about if they’re switching to ipv6

Spike Himself


How often does this happen?

Jesse James

Sounds to me like a regular connection lost. But you say that it works on every other server ?

Don’t forget, that some games has a higher time out limit then source games or voIP servers.

Jesse James

Quoted from quintosh

suggest doing a factory reset on your modem

(and router, if both are not one unit)

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