Mumble overlay white when in TF2?
Created 2nd March 2014 @ 15:37
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Switched from maxframes to m0re highfps a while back, overlay’s been solid white since then when in TF2.
Removing mat_antialias from my autoexec hasn’t helped at all, so don’t bother suggesting that. What did help was -nod3d9ex launch option, but that ruined performance and killed alt-tabbing. Help, anyone?
Try -dxlevel 90 :)
Quoted from Spriggan
Try -dxlevel 90 :)
That too kills performance, sorry. :(
Had this problem a while back the way i fixed it was by going to the video options enable windows aero extensions closed game open it again and disable the option and overlay comes back to normal.
Last edited by sad-panda,
It used to happen to me if you change resolution or anything that refreshes the window.
Try removing the resolution changes from the cfg and then run the game
Quoted from Cuttlefish
That too kills performance, sorry. :(
Have you actually tried it? Some people get less fps with dx9, some get the same, and some get MORE with dx9 (Phong and cart glow disabled ofc). Just because dx8 looks worse doesn’t mean you get more fps.
Quoted from Oupa
Had this problem a while back the way i fixed it was by going to the video options enable windows aero extensions closed game open it again and disable the option and overlay comes back to normal.
Do you have -nod3d9ex or -d3d9ex in your launch options by the chance?
Quoted from Carlos Kaiser
Do you have -nod3d9ex or -d3d9ex in your launch options by the chance?
Quoted from Carlos Kaiser
Have you actually tried it? Some people get less fps with dx9, some get the same, and some get MORE with dx9 (Phong and cart glow disabled ofc). Just because dx8 looks worse doesn’t mean you get more fps.
Yes, wouldn’t say that without trying it.
To everyone else, thank you, but nothing worked!
Try mat_antialias 1 instead of 0 f you want fix this problem.
imo you are bullshitting when you say that -nod3d9ex ruins the performance, but w/e
disregard that.
Last edited by ash,
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