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just delete all games of dropped teams

Created 20th January 2008 @ 00:01

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I dont see a point in giving everybody the points in case teams dropped out, it just looks ugy and confusing. What is the point?
also to speed up the leauge, instead of 2 teams not playing in a week(if the division was uneven and 1 team dropped) they could match up.
greets Merlin


i agree with Merlin ;)


it's a farm

Well, I could do that for the teams who didnt play any Season 1 Match and dropped. But e.g. for x23 we need to do it as they lost 1st Game vs LRRP, so it would destroy the tables :)

Would be good to have some more opinions about it, I don’t really think its confusing, as all teams got equal point additions? :)
And in the start I got asked many times “Team xyz dropped, why don’t we get a default win for it?”


I actually agree with this, id prefer to just remove all results from a dropped clan. Otherwise you risk biasing against clans that may have played against said dropped clan and lost.

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