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Fun Cups "Add Team"

Created 6th June 2008 @ 12:19

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on the “Site Admin” on the point “Fun Cups” there is the possibility
to Add a team. Can I add a new Team for Fun Cups or will it overwrite
the team which I can foind under “Edit Team”?

Can I use the same steam IDs when it is possible to have one
“regulary” team and one fun cup team ?

Yours drcolt


it's a farm

Hi drcolt,

yes, you can already register Fun-Teams there but they wont be shown at the site until they are signed for any competition. It won’t overwrite your normal registered team. “Fun-Cup” has is own section there.

Ofcourse you can also add Players with Steam IDs from your normal team. :)

More details will be published soon.

– dAy

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