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Prec doesnt record properly

Created 19th July 2013 @ 14:05

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so i have this problem like since EVER
my prec starts recording, and i have no chat message of it
i cant bookmark
i get an annoying screenshot after every first death on TFTrue(is it related?)
Every demo is deleted at the end of the match
(i also have sin’s config)
help anyone?

Would appreciate alot!



I know the screenshot is P-REC and it probably happens on all match servers I think not just those with tftrue?

There’s an option in tf2 advanced options related to p-rec taking status screenshots.



Well thats one thing
what about the prec not notifying me in chat or something liek that?



Have you checked your prec settings? type prec_info into console to see them all. is there a console message right after a match starts/finishes/bookmark (usually in orange text)?

make sure the option to delete demos without killstreaks & bookmarks is disabled.

make sure to actually have bound the bookmark to a key.

Spike Himself


How prec notifies you of it starting to record can be changed with one of its settings.
Whether or not Prec deletes demos that don’t have any bookmarks can be changed with one of its settings too.

Read the readme that comes with the prec download – everything is explained there.


I had the same problem at one point. I’m pretty sure the cfg deletes “useless demos” (Demos that haven’t been bookmarked.) As for your problem with it not showing up in chat, the settings make it show up in the HUD, the message usually appears in the top right corner of your screen in green.


UbeR |


The screenshot is made because you need a status screenshot for ETF2L, so after the match has started you’ll get an automatic status screenie. you can change prec_screens to 0, but failing to upload the status screenshot can get you in a lot of trouble (same for deleting demo’s that we’ve requested).

“prec_notify” = “1”
– Notify when started/stoped recording and setting bookmarks
0 – show message in console
1 – displays message in team chat
2 – displays message in hud

“prec_delete_useless_demo” = “0” min. 0.000000 max. 1.000000
– Delete demo files without bookmarks and killstreaks

I guess these 2 convars have been changed in your cfg. If you need help with the program itself, you can use prec_info or find prec in console to find the proper commands and their values.

Last edited by kKaltUu,

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