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Why is competitive fucking up for me.

Created 25th June 2013 @ 17:14

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Hello. This is a problem i have been getting for the past 6 months. It all started in around january after i played around 20-30 mixes. My ping started to rapidly rise and i couldnt do anything. So a few friends suggested to use a max fps config. I did and the next time i went on a mix it was back to normal. But after a day same problems began to appear again. I thought it was my graphics card , so i had it removed and got a new one , but it didnt change a thing. So i tryed going in a pub. It was fine there , so i thought maybe it got fixed and hoped straight away on a mix. But in the mix it happend again , high ping , crashes etc. So i quited competetive untill today when i got a new PC. first i played some pubs , it was normal as usual , then i hoped on with my friend into a pug. Same things happend as i didnt do anything at all. after that pug , i donwloaded the max fps again. And again , didnt change a thing. So if anyone knows what to do i would love to hear it , because i would really love to play competetive but sadly i cant. If anyone wants to know what my specs and other things are:

Specs – CPU S-1155 core i5 3550

Ram – 8190 MB

GPU – geforce gt 640


Last edited by taube,


you do know that the fps configs and graphics cards have fuck all to do with your ping



are we talking about latency or frames?






Quoted from xzr

you do know that the fps configs and graphics cards have fuck all to do with your ping

At first i thought it was the FPS , so thats why i used the configs and replace my graphics card



Quoted from xzr

you do know that the fps configs and graphics cards have fuck all to do with your ping

At first i thought it was the FPS , so thats why i used the configs and replace my graphics card



Move from Slovenia to a country that has broadband internet.



is your game fucking up like this?



Nah im from Slovenia and have really good connection.

Pr kermu operaterju si? Če maš možnost optike pr t-2 si to dub. Boljšga neta trenutno ni

Last edited by frixx,



Quoted from frixx

Nah im from Slovenia and have really good connection.

Pr kermu operaterju si? Če maš možnost optike pr t-2 si to dub. Boljšga neta trenutno ni

trenutnu družina uporablja siol. Dvomem pa da bodo spremenel na T2 sm zarad mene

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