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Damn We're Good is no more :(

Created 14th March 2009 @ 17:41

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I’m so sad to announce that damn we’re good is folding.
After 3 of our members left, 1 due to IRL problems, 1 due to he wants to play in an own nationality clan, and 1 who just left, there is no point in carry’ing on.
I tried everithing i could to keep us together, iv’e been trialling/recruiting ppl every single day, but it just didn’t work :(
Altough i received loads of funtimes/experience in this clan. this clan felt like home.
I wil always be proud of what i achieved tho
But this means the end, there is no point in continue’ing so… i decided to Fold.

Can an admin please delete Damn We’re Good or so? i dunno how it works :(

Cheers, brutallus


I dont want to be mean, but.. seriously, are you drunk?

-2 hours ago, you created a thread asking etf2l admins to change the name of you clan;
-1.5 hours ago, you said, and I’ll quote: “never mind, i now realise it’s a mistake. Everybody starts knowing us now, we shouldn’t change, so we’re not gonna.”
-9 minutes ago you said dwg are folding…

This is not normal…


13 minutes ago, ppl left the clan, for some reasons. All this happened after the rename, etc.
So i can’t help it that he tells me this only now ^^



Sad, especially for a clan everybody started to know. :/



:/ good ppl in that clan, be sure to get doing pickups!!


thx murder! i sure will.

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