Does SourceTV work with TF2Lobby?
Created 16th September 2012 @ 18:44
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tf2lobby says there is already a player on the server. Yet I’m sure that some people have managed to record stv demos of lobbies.
Quoted from r00p
tf2lobby says there is already a player on the server. Yet I’m sure that some people have managed to record stv demos of lobbies.
Aye, you need to turn it off to start the lobby. Once the lobby starts the level will change and sourceTV will be back up.
The map changes when everyone connects, too? Never noticed that.
What should work is this: Turn STV off if necessary, change the map. Turn STV on without changing the map. Let TF2Lobby take over. The map should change to the one desired, activating STV in the process, since you enabled it without activating it before.
Oxy confused me with his answer, though, so YMMV.
I think you said the same thing! Cheers, I’ll try that.
It works! Awesome, thanks.
Oh, except I can’t connect to the sourcetv port and spectate. Shouldn’t I be able to?
Please be more specific. Did you check if the port is correct? You can see it when on the server and typing status in the console. Did you put up a password? What happens when you connect?
Ahhh. Yeah, it was giving it port 27022 even though I said tv_port 27925. How weird.
tv_port does not work anymore afaik, you have to set it in the server launch settings as +tv_port xxxxx
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