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Mumble recording desync

Created 4th August 2012 @ 05:53

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I have roughly 3 hours of match POV+comms all processed and ready to release, but upon review of the comms, they get massively out of sync. The files are mumble recordings recorded in multichannel mode (so I can have an overlay with who is talking when) recorded in .flac files (smaller file size until I can get around to working on them).

The files seem to start pretty in sync, but by the time the first game starts (3 games per file~2 hours) they desync is starting to get slightly noticeable. By the time we get to game 3, everyone is talking over each other. The whole set gets desynced to. When doing these files, I take careful note of when a game starts against the timecode in the mumble recording window. By the time the last couple rounds have started, the players are calling the next mid before the final last push even begins (desync by at least 30-40 seconds).

I guess what I am asking is, is there a way to resync these files easily and, is there a way to stop this from happening in the first place.

I would really like to get these files out, but dont really want to manually go through each audio file and add enough silence to sync the files up all the time.

Thanks for anyone who helps me out here.


\V/ Gold

This is a bug: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=3438559&group_id=147372&atid=768005



:( that sucks


well FML, I havent put like… 5 hours into this shit or anything x.x

Yeh, shrike and I have had the same problems with our VanillaTV insight videos. Unfortunately, the only way round it is to resync the audio manually, which is a bit of a ball ache.

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