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No answer from a team

Created 22nd February 2009 @ 12:45

Locked Pages: 1


Hi !

Since 2 weeks, I’m asking the opposite team to plan a match (ETF2L S4, div 5A). But… no answer from Cable Internet Clan.

What can I do please ?






I always tick the challenge checkbox, so they are notified of my message.


look them up on google earth and beat them to death with a baseball bat… that would make awsome news.

* On a more recent event a kid inspired by one of valve most succesful games TF2 went to a house and beated him to death with a baseball bat. All he had to say for himself was BOINK. *

bam wizzle



Lol g0d.

Just leave it get a default date?

Got Newbie on my list so ill link him this and ask him to spam CiC (i think he used to be in the clan :s lol)



Indeed, have u ever thought of maybe adding me on steam? or using the IRC channel i provided and looking for “Kop” ?

I rarely check my emails so had no idea, EVERY other clan has got me on steam or talks in irc about matches as its alot easier and quicker to deal with things like this.

Also this match doesn’t need to be arranged this early, we still have a tiny bit of time before a default date is suggested so please use some common sense in future and try and use the other contact details that i gave for CiC and contact me that way.



Please also use the leaders forum rather than this public for issues like this

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