Cheap PC for TF2
Created 12th March 2012 @ 16:39
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Quoted from Le meme arrows
[…]Not really. I have Phenom II x4 955 overclocked to 3.9 Ghz and sometimes I struggle to keep stable 120 fps. My FPS is roughly the same no matter if I use Chris’ Maxframes or Maxquality. Which shows that my CPU is bottleneck in TF2.
I own the little brother CPU (x4 945, 3 GHz so not OC), 4GB RAM, HD4870 and never had any issues running tf2. 120 FPS is a joke, so is 200 or 300 FPS (full HD). The CPU is definitely not the bottleneck here.
Last edited by nTraum,
Quoted from Le meme arrows
[…]It makes perfect sense. CPU is always bottleneck in TF2.
No it isn’t. Whoever told you that is a fucking idiot.
Quoted from nTraum
I own the little brother CPU (x4 945, 3 GHz so not OC), 4GB RAM, HD4870 and never had any issues running tf2. 120 FPS is a joke, so is 200 or 300 FPS (full HD). The CPU is definitely not the bottleneck here.
also had that cpu, and yes it is the bottleneck
Quoted from Le meme arrows
[…]Not really. I have Phenom II x4 955 overclocked to 3.9 Ghz and sometimes I struggle to keep stable 120 fps. My FPS is roughly the same no matter if I use Chris’ Maxframes or Maxquality. Which shows that my CPU is bottleneck in TF2.
Lol? ive got the same processor and i have abslout no problems with FPS even when im streaming stable 120+ on 3.8 :>
Quoted from crouton
Not possible :(
Chrix maxframes, gtx 580, i7 2600k and 8gb ram and I still lag horrible every mid..
try a different config, i have higher fps with highquality config than highframes and maxframes
lol stock x4 955 260 fps @ 1080p and still > 120 fps when streaming
AMD FX-Series FX-4100, 4x 3.60GHz, boxed
ASRock 970 Extreme3, 970
Kingston ValueRAM DIMM Kit 4GB PC3-10667U CL9
Samsung SpinPoint F3 500GB
Cougar A450 450W ATX 2.3
Xigmatek Asgard
i would def not take a nvidia for this budget. 550ti sucks. but u could try to get a second hand gtx 260, 275, 280
Anyone know why my game has random FPS drops that “lock” the FPS to 60 for 2-10 seconds and then it goes normal again. It actually locks the FPS to around 60 (sometimes 62, sometimes 58) and stays like that for a while and then goes normal again. Fix my gaem plz.
Quoted from MIndYe
Anyone know why my game has random FPS drops that “lock” the FPS to 60 for 2-10 seconds and then it goes normal again. It actually locks the FPS to around 60 (sometimes 62, sometimes 58) and stays like that for a while and then goes normal again. Fix my gaem plz.
It’s almost as if you have recording software open :P
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