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PC turning off randomly

Created 4th February 2012 @ 19:50

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Hey! My friend has brought his pc round for me to fix it. It randomly shuts itself down at any time. However it stays on when its in safe mode. I have removed all the virus’ and spyware. Any ideas? Cheers


used to have simillar prob and it was caused by my software lol


specs would help.

maybe the power supply is too weak

Last edited by wat,


Its defo not over heating as it wouldn’t stay on in safe mode. Will get spec soon as! Keep the ideas coming!



i used to have this a long time ago
the rubbers that should pull the power button back when you press it were broken, so the button would press itself quite often


Seems to turn itself off after about 5 mins or so! Its like something is starting up and its just turning off!


(ETF2L Donator)

Does it go through the windows shut down process or just immediately go off?


It just switchs right off, no shut down process


(ETF2L Donator)

Well, I think you should check if it’s overheating even though it stays on in safemode. When the fan on my graphics card broke down and my computer started to overheat, it worked in safe mode aswell.
Download speccy or speedfan and check how hot all your components are.
Speccy http://www.piriform.com/speccy Speedfan http://www.almico.com/speedfan.php


Cheers bro, seems to be fixed now. Its been running for about a hour now without going off! Will post again if it goes off


Quoted from achy

Its defo not over heating as it wouldn’t stay on in safe mode. Will get spec soon as! Keep the ideas coming!

nice logic! in safe mode graphic drivers/3d acceleration n stuff is disabled –> less heating. so yeah, use the advice in the previous post and check the temps, even if the pc runs smooth now, just do it to be on the safe side.


ok so after leaving it running over night it has turned itself off. i have opened it up to find its riddled with dust. i have got all the dust out of it, booted it back up and it turned itself off… not sure it will stay on lon enough to get speed fan installed


I have just changed the power supply to a brand new one. After 5 mins its off again.


Checked the Temps in bios. CPU temp: 34/35 System Temp : 30



take all components out, clean them properly, replace them.

Last edited by Sketch,

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