black screen program surrounding windowed tf2
Created 18th November 2011 @ 04:44
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One of my friends linked me a program that blacks out the rest of my screen while TF2 is in windowed mode (by pressing shift+star). However, I can’t find the link. Does anyone know what I am talking about?
play fullscreen
or get a wallpaper which is black and drag the icons to the midle of it… why’d you play windowed mode while u can’t reach your desktop? lol
the shortcut is command ctrl+* on the numblock
Quoted from sno
play fullscreen
or get a wallpaper which is black and drag the icons to the midle of it… why’d you play windowed mode while u can’t reach your desktop? lol
To use custom resolutions not supported in fullscreen by your display, to abuse custom aspect ratios like 2:1 for example in order to get higher FOV.
Quoted from sno
play fullscreen
or get a wallpaper which is black and drag the icons to the midle of it… why’d you play windowed mode while u can’t reach your desktop? lol
To get 120 fov while playing on 1680×680!!
Quoted from Extremer
To get 120 fov while playing on 1680×680!!
That’d get you FOV 123 you bad troll :( (123.2900764 to be precise)
-sw -noborder -w 1680 -h 1050 -console -novid -useforcedmparms -noforcemaccel -noforcemspd
windowed mode that is fullscreen, can this fix your problem? :D
Quoted from grimbar
That’d get you FOV 123 you bad troll :( (123.2900764 to be precise)
I’m braindead today, how do you calculate this?
(inb4 “lol today”)
Quoted from Spike Himself
I’m braindead today, how do you calculate this?
(inb4 “lol today”)
quoting some dude called jaeger
fov_desired changes horizontal fov but the game ensures constant vertical fov at different aspect-ratios so first we determine our vertical fov at 4:3
verticalFov = 2 * atan( tan( 90/2 ) * 3/4 )
verticalFov =~ 73.74 degress
horizontalFov = 2 * atan( tan( verticalFov/2 ) * aspectRatio )
horizontalFov @ 5:4 =~ 86.3 degrees
horizontalFov @ 4:3 = 90 degrees
horizontalFov @ 16:10 =~ 100.39 degress
horizontalFov @ 16:9 =~ 106.26 degress
Just play with the braooarder, your brain will easily block it out after mere hours.. May the panda be with you.
Also, stop spamming bloody panda videos.
I toock offence too that train as im’ disclecsic: your being mean. their are many off are kind.
You’re probably talking about[/url].
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