TF2 crashes when I press esc
Created 24th November 2010 @ 20:27
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Title says it all. When I go in game and press esc to bring up menu HL2 crashes. No idea why, any suggestions?
It’s your tf2 subliminally telling you that you have to make another fragvid and if you don’t it will cause more and more crashes. =) Enjoy making your next vid mate! 8)
Also crashes when I open console when I am in server. Done normal things, reinstalled, verferified etc etc
Something to do with HUD maybe? Or do you use default?
That worked for my brother too.
Delete the folder…
SteamsteamappsUSERNAMEteam fortress 2bin
Run TF2 and it will recreate the folder with the correct files in it.
Now pressing M or Esc works correctly
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