Help with matchmod
Created 15th November 2010 @ 17:50
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Hi, I as wandering if someone could give me a hand with matchmod.
I am a bit of a noob with cfgs, before I start!
I have rented my own server from UKGame, and it tends to work fine.
However, I fail to get matchmod to work how I want it to.
Firstly, I was wandering if anyone knows how to get it so matchmod runs in the ‘pre-game’ mode (where you change your team name, and ready up) when the server restarts.
At the moment, when I restart my server from the control panel, I have to go into the sourcemod admin menu and turn it on. This is fine for training and etf2l matchs, but if I wanted to play a lobby, it is a big problem, as mp_tournament 1 goes on before people join the server, which means people are able to cap etc. If someone could help me with this, I would greatly appreciate it.
Secondly, a question on the etf2l config. When I use the pug config, one person on each team can ready the whole team up, using the F4 menu thing, where matchmod changes the team’s status for you. But when I use the etf2l config, everyone has to ready up one by one, using the ‘!ready’ command, and when 5 people have readied up, one person can ready the whole team up using a different command. Is this supposed to happen?
Thanks for reading, and if you can help I would be very happy!
for the first one, you can find a file, called autoexec.cfg – or if there isn’t, just create it – and put this into it:
exec etf2l.cfg
and then it will exec automatically when you load up a map
for the second one, i don’t know what do you mean, but the one-by-one readying up is in the esea config afaik
Thanks, but there isn’t a file called etf2l.cfg in the cfg files. I can load the actual config files for etf2l (eg, the settings such as alltalk and damage spread), because there is a file (plugin.matchmod.cfg) which lets you change the league you use.
Thanks anyway
Last edited by jibs,
Afaik, matchmod isn’t as common in Europe as it is in NA leagues.
If you can manage without it, I’d recommend you don’t use it. Match servers barely need sourcemod, so as few other mods as possible is preferred.
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