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Gravelpit - bo3 or golden cap?

Created 15th November 2010 @ 13:27

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RaWr ::

I think Gravelpit should be played like so:

Initial Game – ABBA

This could lead to a 1-1, 2-0 or 0-2 scoreline.
2-0 and 0-2 would stand as the final result.

For 1-1 you would then proceed to round two.

Round 2 – BAAB

This could lead to a final score of 3-1. 2-2 or 1-3.
In the event of 3-1 or 1-3, a team would have deemed to have won or lost the map respectively. For 2-2, the map outcome would be a draw.

– If there is no decisive victor, then the map is a draw.
– This would mean 4 rounds.
– ABBA-AB is different from ABBA-BA.
– Setting the time and beating the time can mean two completely different gameplay styles. I think it should be fair that the map gives both teams the opportunity to set the time, and beat the time, the same number of times as each other. It also allows for a draw, just like every other map in ETF2L.

The downside is obviously the time it takes to play the game. If Every round goes to almost max time, the game could last two hours. I think in this situation, where gravepit is scheduled, teams should be forced to play gravelpit first, and if the time of the map extends beyond 45-60 minutes, they should have the option of rescheduling the 2nd map to a different day.

You could also use the golden cap system if the match is won during round 2. (2 points for the winner, 1 point for the loser).

TLDR version:

ABBA, if there is a draw, another overtime of BAAB, if no decisive winner by then, the result is a draw. If the game is won in the overtime rounds, you could use the golden cap point system.



tldr: play even more gp :D


Not a huge fan of gravelpit, would rather see, coldfront, viaduct, or yukon in the map pool

BO3 works fine(ish)

If you were to play gravelpit so it is actually Fair (if fair is both teams get to attack/defend the same amount) you would play the game like the last set in tennis and it would’t end till 1 team breaks the other teams defence and takes a 2 point lead (2-0, 3-1, 4-2. 7-5 etc). The downside is the game could last forever!

I don’t think we should allow draws as that is a step backwards, golden cap is played in 5 cp maps, so we have the choice of leaving it as is, BO3, or turn the 3rd round into a golden cap round

Last edited by Tikcus,


its good as it is )

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