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Gravelpit - bo3 or golden cap?

Created 15th November 2010 @ 13:27

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The rules say bo3, but in AFS the 3rd possible round was the Golden cap round.

I’ve seen golden cap results like this: http://etf2l.org/matches/23425/

And bo3 results like this: http://etf2l.org/matches/22253/

And even 4-1 results like this: http://etf2l.org/matches/22660/ (Which is obviously wrong)

Admins, please clarify me and everybody else wondering this: bo3 or golden cap?



2.1.5 Decider round in case of a draw

If the score is tied after the timelimit has been reached a decider round (golden cap) will have to be played. If no team has scored a round after 10 minutes have passed the team that is holding the middle point after the 10 minutes will win.

It should be a golden cap if the score is 2-1

I think.

Winning by 2-1 on Gravelpit should be entered as a golden cap win for 2 points. Winning by 2-0 on Gravelpit should be entered as a regular win for 3 points. 1-1 isn’t possible.



4.4 Gravelpit and Gorge = 2-3 Rounds using ABBA style

cp_gravelpit and cp_gorge have to be played with 2-3 rounds (possible overall results: 2:0, 0:2, 1:2, 2:1). In the first 2 rounds a ABBA format will be followed. So after one full round the teams have to be switched so each team will end up attacking first.
In the case of both teams taking one round (1:1) there will be a 3rd decider round. In the first 2 rounds the teams should note the final cap time of the first team attacking. The team that has the best cap time (or more caps in the case a team did not cap all points) will get to choose if they want to attack or defend first in the 3rd round. Remember to reload the config between rounds so the teams can be switched.

So if 2:1 is a golden cap, could you please clarify it in the ruleset?



Do teams not have a say in this for example the score goes to 1 – 1 and both teams agree on BO3 then 1 wins or is it always seen as golden?


Remove gravelpit, replace with more interesting map like follower, stark, collis, etc etc etc etc



Quoted from LikeThis

Remove gravelpit, replace with more interesting map like follower, stark, collis, etc etc etc etc

I like the idea of another 5 cp map being added but you can’t remove gravelpit its a classic and a true test of team work.



Quoted from LikeThis

Remove gravelpit, replace with more interesting map like follower, stark, collis, etc etc etc etc

What he said, I at least hoped for coldfront to be in Season 8..

Oh well, here’s my hope for Season 9: coldfront&collis, because both are fresh, fun new maps.



Quoted from Si^

I like the idea of another 5 cp map being added but you can’t remove gravelpit its a classic and a true test of team work.

True that.. I like gravel.



no one is gonna accept a new map unless it is forced down our throats like obscure was, or just generally good and made by someone well made like gullywash.

I’m sure there are tons of good maps, just no one who is willing to force it onto you/is well known enough to have some kind of influence.



Nothing beats the excitement of gpit in important games anyway.



gpit is awesome. My favorite map along with badlands!



In my opinion the games on gpit itself are much, much better then what you expected before. Always. So, less whining, more playing? :D



I never really liked gravelpit that much, but I’ve recently seen the good side of it, the intense matches when you’re trying to attack/defend C is really really good, and nothing feels better than fully attacking and succeeding or completely stopping a defence on it.

It’s the ultimate map for tactics and teamwork.



Quoted from Buffalo Bill

Winning by 2-1 on Gravelpit should be entered as a golden cap win for 2 points. Winning by 2-0 on Gravelpit should be entered as a regular win for 3 points. 1-1 isn’t possible.

does this mean we should be getting a point for winnig the first round? we lost 1-2 on gravel, maybe an admin could have a look at this:
(i also have all three screens from that, if needed)

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