Question about scheduling matches
Created 14th November 2010 @ 23:13
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I’m the leader of a team and I had a question about scheduling matches. When I go to propose a date and time, it doesn’t tell me what time zone it is proposing it in. Is it my timezone or is it Europe time? Do I have to propose the match at 2 AM on Sunday if I want to to really be 6 PM PST (West coast of USA) on Saturday?
The timezone for the website is CET, all times should be entered into the website based on this timezone. You can find the current time in CET if you go to the front page of the website, it is displayed in the top right corner of the Today’s Matches box at the top of the page.
Thank you both.
Thanks again, just realized something else xD
Last edited by Darkfox1317,
Yeah, I didn’t realize that it showed seconds as well =P Thanks for answering so quickly though. I didn’t expect a reply so quickly.
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