Core 2 Quad issue ...
Created 6th November 2010 @ 01:09
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Having an iteresting issue with my Core 2 Quad 9550
I noticed the other day it only seems to be running 2 of my 4 available.
I’ve done the usual tricks of checking my system and in fact do have an Intel Core 2 Quad 9550. I’ve also
tried to change processor affinity but as you can see in the screencaps, it only gives me the option for 2. I even tried
going into system configuration and changing the # of processor’s the PC uses. No dice there either. :(
Can’t figure this out for the life of me….. All things point to a hardware issue but maybe someone out there is more tech savy than I am and can help out.
Last edited by Turbo,
There were some motherboards that shipped with BIOSes that did not support this CPU, and report it as a dual core. If this is the case you will have to flash your BIOS to a version that adds support for the CPU. What is the motherboard?
You could also try removing the NUMPROC switch in boot.ini. that is my board
Quoted from Turbo that is my board
That board was released after the CPU, so it should be fine.
Looks like this is a hardware problem :<
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