Minor P-REC problem
Created 3rd November 2010 @ 16:46
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So I noticed this when our league match went to a golden cap and I wanted to watch the demo, it had been replaced by the golden cap round, I presume because it was saved with the same name.
I tried to alter the config to include the time as well as the date and other stuff in the demo name, I did this:
// strftime func
“DemoTime_format” “%Y%m%d_%H%m”
// %date% %map% %time% %red% %blu% %tag%
“DemoName_format” “%date%_%map%_%time%_%red%_%blu%”
The bits in bold being the bits I added. It’s porably obvious to most of you why that didn’t work, but it was the best I could come up with. Anyone got a fix or work around for this?
I suppose you could alter the team name a bit but it would be nice if there was a fix.
Last edited by Monkeh,
Quoted from Monkeh
// strftime func
“DemoTime_format” “%Y%m%d_%H%m”
// %date% %map% %time% %red% %blu% %tag%
“DemoName_format” “%date%_%map%_%time%_%red%_%blu%”
Dont think PREC ‘knows’ what %time% is. You define the %date% variable to include the time though, so it should’ve already been there.
Maybe I misunderstood your question.
p.s. editing the lines that start with two slashes won’t have any effect; they are just comments
Last edited by Spike Himself,
Hmmm, then where did my demo go!?
Edit: Nah, definitely not there, so PREC is flawed. How dare it!
Edit 2: inb4 ‘exist’askformydemo!
Last edited by Monkeh,
Quoted from Monkeh
Edit 2: inb4 ‘exist’askformydemo!
This thread is a cover for your wallhack.
Reinstall prec. My prec stopped working also. %time% is used if you want time but not the date in addition I believe.
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