ETF2L Hacks and Exploits
Created 28th October 2010 @ 08:56
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Go !admin in irc instead of writing a forum post trying to get your 5 minutes of nerd fame, who cares if you can abuse bugs in a website.
You sir. Are the Anti-Poon.
To be fair to the guy, it’s not like hes letting us know about an obscure bug. I think I thought of this about 5 minutes after I found the bug (infact myself and Chris even contemplated doing something similar for lulz but decided against it).
Its not a remotely complicated or obscure bug, if you can put HTML on a page, you can put javascript on a page, and theres a lot you can do with that on a high traffic site.
Anyway, just to anyone worried, this guy doesn’t have your password because: 1) ETF2L (well wordpress) uses sessions, so it just stores a big long session ID number in your cookies instead of your username and password and 2) even if he had full access to the ETF2L server, your password is still encrypted in the database in such a way that it is near enough impossible to crack.
Protip though, ETF2L is short on developers, this probably STILL won’t get fixed.
edit: Just saw the last few posts made while I typed this, +1 to d2m bassically.
Last edited by Skyride,
Quoted from Tapley ❤
Go !admin in irc instead of writing a forum post trying to get your 5 minutes of nerd fame, who cares if you can abuse bugs in a website.
You sir. Are the Anti-Poon.
That wasn’t really the point of what they were doing Tappers buddy :x
Sometimes the only way to get a bug fixed is to highlight it and make it really obvious to people that if you don’t fix it, someone could take advantage of it for their own malicious purposes.
If they wanted nerd fame, they could’ve just put their names on every team’s page as the team leaders using a simple piece of Javascript.
ffs, stop stealing my cookies, i cba to login every fu**in day
Can anyone explain the problem in normal-people-language, because I don’t speak Inevergetlaid.
Quoted from myNax
Can anyone explain the problem in normal-people-language, because I don’t speak Inevergetlaid.
etf2l has a vagina and if raped it can get infected
Quoted from AnimaL
[…]etf2l has a vagina and if raped it can get infected
best fucking translation ever
brb, going to wipe my eyes from laughter tears.
Quoted from caned
i agree. “could care less”, looool
Noo, it’s the ultimate challenge of caring the least.
Seriously, go on any random american forum and they’ll actually argue that “could care less” makes more sense. lol
Last edited by Spike Himself,
Quoted from AnimaL
[…]etf2l has a vagina and if raped it can get infected
I just degenerated into hopeless fits of maniacal laughter.
Quoted from Vince
Yay nerd fame. I could care less.
i stopped reading here
Quoted from N3tter
Last edited by d1ck j0nes,
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