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Just checking

Created 16th December 2008 @ 18:49

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We have entered the league again and just want to make sure we have been relegated to div 5 not div 4b, we lost every match without fail last time and all the clan are nagging me to make sure were put into a group low enough!

Would be very happy if you put my mind at ease!

Thanks for your time :D



Your mind can be at ease.


Just so you know, div4a is equal to 4b, 4c, etc

The letters are just there to indicate a different pool.



Yay we may stand of chance of killing at least one member of the other side! thanks peeps :)


Great team btw: Played in thier division with exhale and no wine or what..so..ever :)

Gl Crazy, you deserve it!



Cheers dude good luck in div 3 :)

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