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The Complete Guide to streaming TF2 with OBS

Created 24th October 2012 @ 01:43

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Well, fuck. That took a while and got very long. Essentially what I’ve done is tried to pour as much relevant information and help with streaming as possible into written form. I know it’s pretty long, but I can assure you this is very much the tl;dr guide to having an actually amazing quality stream that doesn’t rape your FPS. I’m sure it’s filled with typos, and i’ll fix them tomorrow when I get a chance to proof-read it with fresh eyes.

It’s taken me about 8hrs over the last 3 days to write.


Last edited by Skyride,


nice :) remind me to buy you a beer if we ever meet at lan



x264 CPU Preset: Veryfast. I’m putting this in bold because it is categorically the most important thing to change the entire program.

it’s not in bold

good guide, started using obs so this helps a lot



Hi skyride,

I’m gonna read up on it this afternoon when I’m off from work. Just bought several new parts (cpu, mobo, memory) to be able to stream in future. I’ll put your manual to the test :)



great guide skyride! gonna test streaming now with your guide :)



nvm found solution!

Last edited by alba,


(ETF2L Donator)

Why would enable windows aero be of any help? As I am aware windows aero causes input lag when streaming.



Quoted from toogyboogy

Why would enable windows aero be of any help? As I am aware windows aero causes input lag when streaming.

A lot of people have found it actually works BETTER having it on when using the regular capture method in OBS. The only logic I can gleam of it is that when you use Aero you’re offloading a ton of work from the CPU to the GPU. If your GPU is your bottleneck, then that makes things worse, if your CPU is the bottleneck, it makes things better. For myself personally it seems to depend on the game. It’s a tad worse in TF2, but actually better in Dota 2 with it on.

Last edited by Skyride,



Used skyrides guide. Lost 100fps. GG.

Joking aside (as I assume the above is caused by my own incompetence), how can I capture more than the top half of my screen (when streaming desktop)?

Last edited by kaidus,



Never mind, I did something stupid. I used the option “Global Resources” to add the Default Video Capturing Device, but I should have right-clicked the ‘white area’. Didn’t know that, that’s kinda confusing.

It’s working correctly now, Im happy to get rid of Xplit. That was killing my FPS hard.

Last edited by Andee,


(ETF2L Donator)

Using -nod3d9ex in your launch options might help people with getting dxtory to work properly with tf2.



Quoted from toogyboogy

Using -nod3d9ex in your launch options might help people with getting dxtory to work properly with tf2.

this haha



worked once, now i just get this shit http://i50.tinypic.com/1zfmozo.jpg
any ideas how to fix?
-tried closing every n launching first
-all the settings are fined
stream before just suddenly stops letting me stream comes up with above then closes,
for such a simple program its fucking annoying.

Spike Himself


Maybe add that dxtory isnt free, and the trial version only works for a few minutes and adds a giant watermark to your stream? I was very disappointed to find out this was the case :P

Other than that, great guide, very clear and most helpful :)



Quoted from toogyboogy

Using -nod3d9ex in your launch options might help people with getting dxtory to work properly with tf2.

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeahhhhhhhhhhh i forgot to mention this in the guide somehow. Already fixed it. :D

Quoted from kaidus

Used skyrides guide. Lost 100fps. GG.

Joking aside (as I assume the above is caused by my own incompetence), how can I capture more than the top half of my screen (when streaming desktop)?

Using dxtory will drop your FPS a lot more than other alternatives, but in return it gives you virtually zero mouse/input lag and a shit load less micro stutter.

Also I know you got that last problem fixed, but for reference, Right click on your TF2 source in the sources list and click “Fit to screen”. If you still have the problem you didn’t read the guide properly. :P

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