GPU Differences?
Created 2nd December 2009 @ 21:39
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XFX ATI Radeon PCI-E HD4890 1Gb GDDR5 (850M)
Sapphire ATI Radeon PCI-E HD4890 1Gb GDDR5 BattleStations
MSI ATI Radeon PCI-E HD4890 Cyclone 1Gb GDDR5
Asus ATI Radeon PCI-E HD4890 1Gb GDDR5
Sapphire ATI Radeon PCI-E HD4890 Vapor-X 1Gb GDDR5 BattleStations
Both of them all have diference prices.
Can anyone explain what are the differences between them?
i think the difference will mainly be the integral fans and cooling. not sure though. maybe some difference in base clocks too.
first bunch i don’t know, i reckon they are pretty much the same
the last one however has a custom vapor-x cooler that is much better and a lot more quiet
try google, then check out for memory/memory freqs
They’re pretty likely pretty much the same performance wise, but cheaper graphics cards usually have louder fans or something like that.
The clock speeds will vary -very- slightly, as for the noise made, get the Vapor-X if you want it cooler and quieter, otherwise, you won’t notice a difference, that’s it
cooling is the difference
also, as for timings, allways get the one with higher memory clock… will give u more fps over better core clock which is easyer to OC
i know that vapor-x is some kind of stock OC version of the card, with better fan, so most likely u will be able to OC it even more, more than any other gpu of the series
Last edited by AnimaL,
if ur not cheap, then its the best one, yes
edit, idk about reliability, but MSI R4890 Cyclone SOC has like 2% more fps over vapor-x
read some reviews, if there sint anything about Cyclones overheating problems, defo get that one, its also cheaper
overclocking your GPU will give you like +3 FPS so I’d say go for the cheapest one. if you think that 3 FPS will make a difference, try getting a card with a warranty that covers overclocking (EVGA give you this, don’t know about any others)
not for good cards, 4000series gets u about 5-10fps, 5000 series 10-20fps increase
Last edited by AnimaL,
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