Jarate is actually the substance in Kritzkrieg
Created 3rd June 2009 @ 09:37
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hahaha, could be true. lol.
But then the medic is slurping….. AAHHH :S:S:S
My Mummu once wee’d on me when i got stung by a jelly fish :(
Well BvD the memories are all but happily blocked out by my sub-concious, but what i do remember is on that memorable day, as i lay back in such pain, the sun shon down and it all seemed to go in slow motion. She gently squatted down, buttock cheeks resting on my freshly build sandcastle as she began to douse the flames of my pain with her vaginal hose, her meat curtains gently dancing in the sunlight and ….. wait what?
Welcome, ladies and gentleman, to another episode of What Not to Say on Internet Forums!
Well uhm, you can drink urine, however, if you wait up to two – three hours, bacteria will have start forming and the urine has become unhealthy to drink.
<3 Bear Grylls.
Well BvD the memories are all but happily blocked out by my sub-concious, but what i do remember is on that memorable day, as i lay back in such pain, the sun shon down and it all seemed to go in slow motion. She gently squatted down, buttock cheeks resting on my freshly build sandcastle as she began to douse the flames of my pain with her vaginal hose, her meat curtains gently dancing in the sunlight and ….. wait what?
Well BvD the memories are all but happily blocked out by my sub-concious, but what i do remember is on that memorable day, as i lay back in such pain, the sun shon down and it all seemed to go in slow motion. She gently squatted down, buttock cheeks resting on my freshly build sandcastle as she began to douse the flames of my pain with her vaginal hose, her meat curtains gently dancing in the sunlight and ….. wait what?
dude seriously what’s wrong with you
Bear Grylls FTW!!! the strength of the heavy the speed of a scout and the cunning of a Flush, what more could u want from a man…
Bear Grylls is a fake :p
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