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Happy Muuki Day

Created 2nd December 2016 @ 15:08

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Hi all,

As today marks National Muuki Day (In celebration of his birth) and we are all blessed to have been sharing this earth with someone as important and special as Muuki, I wanted to wish you all a Happy Muuki Day and may you Flex as proudly as the great Muuq himself.

To quote the great man: “Shut the fuck up Hilder”.

Truly wise and inspirational words, enjoy your birthday my captain, my teammate, my KING, MY FRIEND!

Happy Muuki Day all!


Happy birthday you Finnish person, you


gandhi is

hail muuq



Praise be unto the Muuki
And to the Flex
And to the Lowpander

As it was in the beginning, is now
and every shall be
Engineer with minis



thank you for being my oxygen, mr. muuq.

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