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Predictions for when TF2 becomes no more.

Created 12th November 2016 @ 12:50

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I personally think there will be 1 more season of ETF2L HL then it’s finished.

I sense bait, swim away fishies, swim away.



tbh the game’s been dead since early 2016 at the latest, nothing new here

Too much neglect from valve and even if they did fix all the issues with the game I still wouldn’t come back to play seriously until they fixed the netcode

Honestly going from overwatch to tf2 is like going from CS:GO to CS 1.6, I’m so used to actually having good netcode the only class I can play anymore after long sessions of overwatch is sniper, since even though tf2 still has awful hitreg it’s the least noticeable on him.



highlander is already dead :D

It will take a long long time to ‘die’ but for a game from 2007 where comp been 100% fueled by the player base, it’s not surprising that there will be less and less signups. Prem will feel less exclusive year after year and the oldschool players will have their motivation wained. New people come in, play a lot, find it really fun and overcome most of the oldschoolers. Repeat. It’s always been like this.

My personal hope is that TF3 is announced and this league will get a resurgence from that. But Valve being Valve.. well.



A Source 2 release of TF3 does sound good but I can’t see Valve doing it in the near future, and at some point it will be too late sadly.

But what do I know, all I did was main heavi in highlamper :)


Arti Rush

“Registered: 9 Jan 2015, 19:38”

I think you might be slightly uninformed on the subject. Highlander (just like 6v6 for that matter) has been fortified by the community and as long as there people to play it and people to run it will continue living. Sign-ups are low and it’s doubtful they will increase by a huge margin next season but it doesn’t mean the highlander is going to die.



TF2 died when ETF2L launched 1st hl season!!!!!!!


When 7v7 becomes a real game mode.



Funny how admins delete comments they don’t agree with. Afraid of the truth maybe?



Quoted from ondkaja

Funny how admins delete comments they don’t agree with. Afraid of the truth maybe?

The only comments I’ve seen being delete have been duplicates. Which is quite justified.

F.11 – Copy-pastes or big ASCII art on the forums will get removed if they do not add anything to the thread.

san alex

Predictions for when etf2l medals will be distributed

Last edited by san alex,


(League Admin)




It won’t, the number of teams will reduce a lot, but if there is still admin to do leagues, there will be players

Silver Tosspot


member when weapons gave ammo?

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