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Overwatch - thoughts ?

Created 3rd May 2016 @ 21:58

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Dr. med.

Quoted from Carlos Kaiser

Judging from a pub perspective on both games: I can’t see a way OW is more casual/goofy than TF2, everyone seems to forget that 44% of TF2 classes are Medic/Heavy/Engi/Pyro

I’m not sure if I get your point here. All these classes are very viable in the right situations (or even all), especially in pub play. It’s just natural some take more skill than others, as do the characters in HotS and OW. That wasn’t my point though, I was talking in general.

Carlos Kaiser

Didn’t quite get the HOTS/OW analogy

I’m not a moba player, but from what I’ve heard everyone thinks that HOTS is a super casual version of Dota. So I thought you meant that Overwatch is the casual TF2, and I just reminded how casual the average TF2 class and pub TF2 in general is.

Edit: typos


Played a bit and here’s my thoughts :

more hardware friendly than TF2 will ever be (~90-140 fps)
good UI, a bit too much information I’d say
tweakable enough (I’d like to get rid of viewmodels though)
easy to get in
quick matches
game is fast (I feared it wasn’t)

Map design is kinda poor : not enough ways to pass, hard to really flank on payload maps
It should be class limited (a pr0 mod ?)
The meta isn’t obvious for now (you can’t really tell when ults will be deployed)

That’s it for now, let’s wait ’til May 24th



Over the course of three days’ worth of gameplay, I’ve come to the following conclusions:

1. TF2’s demoman and soldier have limited ammo for a good reason.

2. Heavy has spinup time and damage falloff for a very good reason.

3. Projectile headshots have a head hitbox that’s about half of your player model.

4. 20 hz tickrate in a game with headshots, stuns and instant kills makes for a quality experience.

5. Low TTK, low player speeds and slow respawns feels great on huge maps with short rounds.

6. Ultimates ensure nobody finishes a match without a killstreak or two. They also encourage players to stay the fuck away from each other and the objective.

7. Quickplay accurately represents the game’s class synergy and skill depth, just like TF2 pubs.

Overall, I did not find the game very satisfying to play. It’s fun, but it’s dumb fun – like playing Pyro with Backburner on a pub.

If you’re thinking about buying it, make sure you either: A) Have a few friends to stack quickplay; B) Are prepared to join a competitive team.


Dr. med.

Quoted from Carlos Kaiser

Didn’t quite get the HOTS/OW analogy

I’m not a moba player, but from what I’ve heard everyone thinks that HOTS is a super casual version of Dota. So I thought you meant that Overwatch is the casual TF2, and I just reminded how casual the average TF2 class and pub TF2 in general is.

Edit: typos

I meant that like HotS there is obviously some improvement in your skill, but the skill ceiling appears to be lower than TF2/Dota 2 to me.



I find overwatch very entertaining. Even pubbing solo. That being said its not a substitute for tf2 but that wasnt what I expected. I had no expectations what so ever.


Quoted from alba

I find overwatch very entertaining. Even pubbing solo. That being said its not a substitute for tf2 but that wasnt what I expected. I had no expectations what so ever.

I agree. I don’t have time anymore to spend >4K hours in a comp game so I think OW is (for now) fun and easy to play (matches don’t last long), especially with friends.
But as it has been said, same speed for majority of classes, no ammo limitation, some maps designs etc. are definitely weak points.

Tapley ❤


On the 23rd Odeon cinemas and coca cola are hosting launch events at their cinemas with free swag! Tempted to hit up the comic con event in london on the 29th for the first ever OW Lan. Few of the old UK Lanning crew up up for going, jungle juice unite!

Top quality game, more fun and fresh than TF2 with a lot of variety look forward to playing more of it.

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