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Overwatch - thoughts ?

Created 3rd May 2016 @ 21:58

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Hey guys,

I had a lot of hype about overwatch, I’ve watched my fair share of hours of streams (especially seagull’s), I had pretty high expectations for this game, and now that I finally got my hands on it (open beta), I must say it feels rather … bland and disappointing. The animations just don’t feel great, the kills don’t feel rewarding, the maps are honestly pretty shitty, the game seems to have plenty of versatility at first but in the end it’s just the exact same archetypes as TF2, yet somehow they managed to make 21 classes out of that, it doesn’t seem nearly as dynamic and aerial as TF2, also the total absence of tools to create maps/game modes such as dm/mge/bball/whatever. The only upside I’d say after about 7 hours of play is the structure of pubs, namely 6on6 and never more than that. That’s something you just don’t see on tf2 anymore (like good old 10v10 or 12v12 pub servers, these were good times)

Has any of you tried it as well since the open beta opened for the people who pre purchased ? Are you disappointed as well ? What do you think ?

*edit* maybe pubs are a little more dynamic on OW than TF2, but can’t see any comp where the game would develop as quickly in fights as the standard 6on6 TF2 comp allows with its high mobility and it’s more dynamic air-strafe control and all.



overwatch isnt dead yet ?


Quoted from Speedead

overwatch isnt dead yet ?


I played the closed beta for a little while and I must admit it’s been a while since I played it but I didn’t enjoy pubs that much. I think it could be fun in a serious team because it has the potential to be very tactical but in pubs it just seems like you can just be playing and then you get ulti-ed out of nowhere which isn’t that fun when there is no real good way to track the percentages of ultis individually especially because they stay even after death. Also I like to be able to out-dm people if I’m playing randoms and ultis make that less fun because they even the playing field.

I also really really hate the wallhacks that widowmaker and hanzo have and I hoped that they’d take them out but I don’t think they are going to.

I reserve judgement until I can play some proper mixes or something with tryhard calls assuming lots of TF2 people start playing it but in terms of pure mechanics with tactics aside I much prefer TF2.


I feel like doing a lengthy article on Overwatch and comparison with TF2 and so on just from experience and playing since last November.

Not sure if anyone would care for the thoughts though :P , tl:dr Overwatch is definitely not a substitute for TF2 period.




pubs are boring

essentially you either play a support or tank, if you don’t it’s like playing tf2 MM without a medic and you just immediately lose because everyone else mains sniper and scout

might be fun competitively but without fun on publics I don’t see myself ever bothering to put the time in, especially since I reckon after a year it’ll be in the same state as tf2- no orgs, no lans



Been playing since closed beta phase1.
Pubs are pretty bad but ranked mode is decent (wich open beta doesnt have)
Playing in a team and scrims are much more fun.


OverHyped & OverPriced


Dr. med.

Quoted from byte

I feel like doing a lengthy article on Overwatch and comparison with TF2 and so on just from experience and playing since last November.

While it’s obviously not a TF2 clone, I would be very interested in a comparison of their (deeper) gameplay mechanics!


I have absolutely zero interest in playing overwatch competitively but I’m enjoying it. The problem with team comps is similar to tf2 where you go on a pub and you have several spies and snipers doing nothing, but it’s a bit worse because

– usually in a tf2 pub a competent player that wants to win can still carry on DM alone, or with a medic latched on to him, so those spies and snipers aren’t that harmful;

– most people playing tf2 pubs don’t actually care about winning, so if you’re playing something dumb and inadequate like fists only heavy chances are no one will care.

In overwatch bad team composition means you lose. Period. And that gets a bit annoying when you just want to get good at certain characters. Personally I wish skirmish mode was a separate thing that you could play for hours so I could just go tracer and sit there until I’m decent. DM servers anyone?

Also Winston and Symmetra’s autoaim weapons are duuuuuumb


I’ve been playing ~30hours during closed beta with friends and alone on pub, i had some fun BUT

-maps layout sucks ( typically on Hanamura, there is only one choke, the big door and a little window that you can’t access with a lot of classes to push the first point, or on Temple of Anubis where the last point is unpushable cause the spawn is just next to it )

-cheat included in classes design ( aimbot on soldier76, wallhack on widow/hanzo ) is fucking retarded.

-ULTs make it so you can get destroyed by people that can’t aim properly.

-Headshots on every hitscan classes doesn’t feel right in this type of FPS, you do not have the feedback that you have in CS when you take an HS, sometimes your health just melt and you don’t understand how.
All of this and the fact that it isn’t as fun to play in pub as TF2 was in my first years of playing, I don’t feel like launching OW again.


Got an invite key and played it for a day. I’d say it’s pretty fun but feels much more casual compared to TF2 6s.
Also as already been mentioned before, some abilities like Soldier76 and Widowmaker ults shouldn’t be in a competitvely built game at all.



Quoted from Blitzo

I’ve been playing ~30hours during closed beta with friends and alone on pub, i had some fun BUT
-maps layout sucks ( typically on Hanamura, there is only one choke, the big door and a little window that you can’t access with a lot of classes to push the first point, or on Temple of Anubis where the last point is unpushable cause the spawn is just next to it )
-cheat included in classes design ( aimbot on soldier76, wallhack on widow/hanzo ) is fucking retarded.
-ULTs make it so you can get destroyed by people that can’t aim properly.
-Headshots on every hitscan classes doesn’t feel right in this type of FPS, you do not have the feedback that you have in CS when you take an HS, sometimes your health just melt and you don’t understand how.

All of this and the fact that it isn’t as fun to play in pub as TF2 was in my first years of playing, I doesn’t feel like launching OW again.

That’s an accurate description of what my opinion is of the game after playing a couple of hours yesterday. TF2 killer my ass. I’m not even sure if I want to log any more hours over the weekend since I’m not really enjoying it…


even played in some tournaments with bad teams, its so much different from tf2 in competitive aspect. i didnt enjoy it. pubs were fun for like 10 hours of playtime, then it started getting very repetitive.



Is this team of HL mains still alive? Kappa

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