Star Wars: The Force Awakens[NO SPOILERS!!!]
Created 18th December 2015 @ 01:51
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got it spoilt to me on skial server rip
darth vader is dead lol
Was pretty gud, the movie even has discount Emma Watson..
5/7 would see again
Was very good
Quoted from unu
Was pretty gud, the movie even has discount Emma Watson..
5/7 would see again
wow you’d give it a perfect score?
Quoted from MARS^
wow you’d give it a perfect score?
shut the f*ck up rob
Just saw it, it’s so good
Thought it was really good, not a flawless film by no means, has some plot points not too keen on but overall amazing film, can’t wait for the sequel, and yes I did have goosebumps at the opening sequence.
ahah i tought the same thing
top3 worst movie 2015
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