why people add a dot in the end of their nickname?
Created 17th December 2015 @ 04:54
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Don’t know, can’t relate :/
almost as bad as numbers
using exclamation marks is even worse though
Or inverse case sensitive words, what a horrible idea.
or why do people make their names all lower case
the same joke 4 times in a row
Quoted from MEGAMIDDIE
the same joke 4 times in a row
why does everyone have a bear in their name now a days, jeez, atleast be original
Quoted from MEGAMIDDIE
the same joke 4 times in a row
this people will never get this medals. this medals have only very good people.
Last edited by zombie,
Quoted from Falcon0408
almost as bad as numbers
especially when they mean your date of birth
A dot is a good way to end things.
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